Monthly Archives: September 2011

Text as Technology

Text as the written word is a technology to capture orality. Ong describes text as technology on page 8 without really saying it in a couple of places. First he describes the world of sound as the natural habitat of … Continue reading

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Defining Technology

Technology is a difficult concept to describe because it belongs to so many realms. As I see it, technology is analogous to “system”. It supports culture by making a task deemed important by a culture easier. I have included a … Continue reading

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Defining Text

Text in the broadest sense is any of the various forms in which writing exists. I see text as anything that communicates ideas visually. These could be pictographs, cuneiform, hieroglyphics, print, or calligraphy. Text is the visual representation of all … Continue reading

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Defining Text: The Rosetta Stone

To add to our ongoing dialogue regarding text, this image of the Rosetta Stone is representative to me of the meaning of text as we have been defining it over the past two weeks, and it also puts into context … Continue reading

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Technology Conflict

  As I was scrolling through Flickr this image caught my eye so I clicked on it. The quote then really caught my attention, especially coming from Sir Ken Robinson. I have tried to do a little research to see the … Continue reading

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Technology can’t be an alibi for bad teaching

One of my favourite quotes is Tony Bates’ statement on the relationship between technology and teaching: “Good teaching may overcome a poor choice of technology but technology will never save bad teaching.” (source: Bridget quoted Vincent Jansen’s definition of … Continue reading

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……from the director of technology

“Technology is a tool which leverages our capacity of neuronal stimulation connecting fragments into meaningful knowledge.It enables our brain to work faster and more efficiently.Technology augments our natural learning pathways causing greater frequency of stimulation’s over a broader neuronal network.” … Continue reading

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Today Outside my window, a new dawn I can see and only I can divine, the kind of day it will be. It can be thrilling and bold, eventful and daring, or daunting and cold, grim and uncaring. My own … Continue reading

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Technology – a handy tool

Technology Is Not Always Innovative Technology is the means – a tool – to help us achieve our goals. But I think we gradually get so used to technology and we do not even think of it as innovation. It … Continue reading

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Text Can Save Life

Photo: St Petersburg by Steve White2008 When I started to think what short passage that sheds light on the meaning of text I might use I remembered the sign I read many years ago in St Petersburg. The sign located … Continue reading

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Text: Nesting Dolls

I have never really given much thought to the definition of text. I found the following definition to be interesting. “Text is an ordered hierarchy of content objects.” which is a definition that has been around since the 1980’s and … Continue reading

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It is up to us.

“Globalization, as defined by rich people like us, is a very nice thing… you are talking about the Internet, you are talking about cell phones, you are talking about computers. This doesn’t affect two-thirds of the people of the world.” … Continue reading

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Text Moves Nations

After attending Paul Brandt’s benefit concert for Slave Lake last night last night, knowing I had this assignment to do, I could not help but think about the power of music. The mix of lyrics and music has great power … Continue reading

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The Meaning of TECHNOLOGY

“The machine does not isolate man from the great problems of nature but plunges him more deeply into them.” Antoine de Saint-Exupery For me, technology is any kind of tool imagined, made and used by humans to change their natural … Continue reading

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The Meaning of TEXT

  After a few days of exploring the meaning of text and looking for ways to express my definition through words, image or video, I finally found this picture.  For me, text is a representation of language and serves as … Continue reading

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テクノロジ = technology

“The spoken word was the first technology by which man was able to let go of his environment in order to grasp it in a new way.” Marshall McLuhan While searching for meaning within images, text, and technologies, I came … Continue reading

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テキストの = text

“A word is not a crystal, transparent and unchanged; it is the skin of a living thought and may vary greatly in colour and content according to the circumstances and time in which it is used.” Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. This quote captured … Continue reading

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Rich Prospect Browsing

I added this to test how WordPress is handling YouTube embed code. I’ll leave it here, though, because it’s a good talk by one of my research collaborators on a subject relevant to the course. Enjoy.

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Curiosity to Technology

Here is an interesting definition of technology from the European Space Agency. “In a research and development organisation such as ESA, technology is a concept of primary importance, so by necessity the definition of the word is precise: ‘technology is … Continue reading

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High Tech Text

This quote comes from a paper I came across while I was researching Richard Mayer’s principles of multimedia learning (Mayer, 2001).  The title caught my attention because it seemed to encompass a couple of my interests:  “Multimedia Learning Gets Medieval.”  … Continue reading

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