Author Archives: Juliana

Final Reflections and Connections

You all will need to forgive the quality of this post as the cold that I suffered from is still lingering and I am still exhausted.  I will do my best in my final reflection of this course. I will … Continue reading

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Major Project – Digitization of Apprenticeship Training

Here is my final project.  It is entitled “Digitization of Apprenticeship Training”.  In this presentation, I will be talking about how workplace training has changed through history.  Workplace training is different than other educational topics in that its primary goal … Continue reading

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Web 2.0 tools

I confess that I have been very busy with fighting off a bad cold and finishing my final projects for my courses, so I have not had a lot of time to explore the Web 2.0 tools.  However, I would … Continue reading

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Radio to Television

Introduction Radio and television, which often have been used for its entertainment value has had a great impact in society.  Their communicative value is quite substantial and both in their unique way have influenced people in a variety of ways.  … Continue reading

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Commentary on Neil Postman’s Technopoly

In Postman’s Technopoly, he talks about the dangers of technology.  He talks about how while it may initially bring us convenience and efficiency, it also has the potential to bring many burdens with it.  He states that his “…defense is … Continue reading

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Text – Juliana’s view

I am putting an excerpt of the definition for text from Wikipedia (Figure 1).  The reason why I have posted this is because it is referring to all the different definitions of text.  The definitions also resonated with me as most … Continue reading

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Technology – Juliana’s view

I created the image in Figure 1 using ClipArt.  I thought it spoke to the variations we see in technology.  Even though the term “technology” is very broad and speaks to using knowledge and tools for a practical purpose (Oxford English Dictionary, … Continue reading

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Digital Storytelling

Hello Everyone! My name is Juliana and ETEC 540 is my 8th course. I have had a very varied career. I have worked as a research technician in the biotech field and I have also worked as a biosafety associate … Continue reading

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