Category Archives: Exams


I have now officially written most of my midterms. Not all, but most. I still have two more coming up next month!

For some reason, this term feels a lot harder than last term. It doesn’t really make sense to me because I’m taking 4 courses instead of 5 courses. Beh.

I’m sitting in the CSI&C right now, and I’m feeling super sleepy and sluggish. I feel like mush.  I wonder if it’s acceptable to take a nap here. The couches are so soft…


I just want summer to come and help me shake off this lethargy.

Valentine? NOPE.

Not a happy Valentines day

chemistry will be the death of me.

When I don’t understand what I’m studying

Manatee Squash

Studying physiology. Studying chemistry. Especially chemistry.

5 things that happen in a Sunday exam

  1. Cheap parking.
  2. No one studied—unless you count looking over the cheat sheet once studying. In that case, yes, studying went great.
  3. People show up in Winnie the Pooh character onesies. Actually, it was just Tigger and Piglet.
  4. The prof doesn’t print off enough copies of the exam, leaving about 10 people stranded for 20 minutes.
  5. This was our last final… but no post-final relief, because there’s school tomorrow!

I’m back and the holidays are here!

Hullo, world!

I’m alive and well. I survived my finals!… but barely. My last exam (the final final on the 19th) got cancelled because of the heavy snow (by Vancouver traffic standards). The busses couldn’t get up the hill to campus, and traffic was chaotic, and there were people who had to walk uphill to UBC, and it was just not pretty.

I got lucky and my mum drove me to school. It took us two whole hours to get from North Burnaby to the bus loop of UBC.  Thankfully, I was there early and I had time to grab breakfast and meet up with a friend before heading over to the Scarfe building for my exam. When we got there, however, other students in our class notified of the recent announcement that our exam was cancelled. Slightly dejected, my friend and I went on our way home. It was okay because he drove that day and I was able to catch a ride with him. We have to write that exam the first Sunday after school starts. booooooooooo.

Apart from that one mishap, though, I suppose the end of my first semester at UBC went pretty smoothly. Hurray for winter break!