Category Archives: On Campus

When I’m wearing rainboots…


Navigating lakes and puddles

It is worth noting that after maybe 10 uses of my brand-new rain boots, I have discovered that they now take on water. I am an unlucky duck.

FlexPass woes

So I bought a FlexPass for parking a few week ago, which makes parking a little cheaper for me in the long run.  I get 11 uses out of it, which is good because I take transit to school most of the time. You can’t go in and out of the parkade, though, which is too bad.

When I was buying it, I thought “hey, Thunderbird is an excellent place to park my car!” So I chose to activate my parking pass for the Thunderbird Parkade.

Now here is a list of the pros and cons of my decision:


  • It’s close to Osbourne.  There are kinesiology classes in Osbourne.


  • I have only one class in Osbourne next term. 
  • It’s 109238409283097 metres from everywhere else. Including all the exits off campus. 

My conclusion? I’m turning out to be more of a goof than I thought I was.

PS. SpellCheck is telling me ‘parkade’ isn’t a word.  Am I doing something wrong?

Ways to Procrastinate: UBC Compliments!

Happy Friday! I guess we’re all gearing up for finals, but NEVER FEAR BECAUSE COURTNEY IS HERE TO SAVE THE DAY with her procrastination tips.

There’s this neat little page on Facebook called UBC Compliments  that I just discovered.  The description is as follows:

This is a social experiment that started at Queen’s University in Canada. Brown, Washington University in St. Louis, and Yale have all done similar [projects]. This page is a place for you to do something nice for your friends or peers anonymously in a way that you cannot do in person. Inbox us and we’ll post your compliments right away!

It’s a really cute concept, and it’s already taken off quite nicely, with 448 likes at the time this post was written (yup, I queue my posts). I’ve already flipped through all the compliments and recognized one student and one professor (the much-talked-about Professor Gateman, of course!). In case you were wondering, I have yet to submit a compliment.

Another site that could go viral is 48,000 Secrets, which is run by a group of UBC students. The concept is a bit like PostSecret, but without the pictures and the fanbase (yet). I’ll have to check back in a month to see how it’s going!

Both projects are definitely ways to blow off steam for finals season! So go out there and show some love 🙂

Movember is here!

This is Turry. Obviously, I can’t grow a ‘stache so it’s up to him to do it for me!

The best part of this month is all the moustaches! Really.  Also, raised awareness for men’s health!

and spell-check is telling me that ‘mustachio’ is actually a word what.

Sunny music for rainy days

Y’know how it rains here in Vancouver? Y’know, like virtually ALL THE TIME?  Well! I found some songs that get me out of my bad weather funk, and might do the same for you, too! No guarantees.

10 rainbow-spewing ponies for anyone who knows in which cartoon the singer of Hey Ocean starred! Yay!

Have a good week, everyone! Don’t let the rain get you down!