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Monthly Archives: October 2010
PHOTOJOURNALISM- A new exposure…. Photojournalism can be explained as a form of journalism that involves collecting, editing and presenting news material for publication or broadcast that creates images in order to tell a news story. It’s beginnings date back to … Continue reading
Posted in Research Paper
The Invention of Pen and Paper
When talking about the history of literacy, it is necessary to examine the history of writing technology. Writing is often referred as one of the major communication revolutions in human history (Gunaratne, 2001). There have been several significant developments in … Continue reading
On the Origins and Influences of Silent Reading
Come to my research project On the Origins and Influences of Silent Reading 🙂 Vicki
Printing Press and Its “Impact” on Literacy
The advent of the printing press over five hundred years ago may be described as one of the few major significant events in mankind’s history in terms of the greatest impact on literacy. Before paper and print were invented, oral … Continue reading
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Modern English, Punctuation, and Word Separation
Introduction Thinking back to when I first learned to read in English, I was taught to read aloud. I was taught to sound out the words. While learning to read, I was also taught to write. It was imperative that … Continue reading
Posted in Research Paper
Tagged adora, english, grammar, history, language, punctuation, research_paper, scriptura_continua, words, writing
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The Recognized Origins of Sign Language
Hello classmates, I have decide to submit my assignment a few ways. First you will find a video I made (I am a amateur); next you will find a transcript of what I said in the video; finally is the … Continue reading
Posted in Research Paper
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“Pointing” and the Spaces Between Words
Introduction Reading today is a silent and solitary activity, in the West its roots lay in the oral tradition. Saenger (1997), who has researched the spaces between words and punctuation extensively, notes that reading was originally an oral activity, and … Continue reading
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How the widespread dissemination of print changed human thought process
I decided to present my research as a video. It’s a little outside the box… so any feedback would be very much appreciated. I apologize for the print being hard to read. When I uploaded the video to youtube … Continue reading
Posted in Research Paper
How the Fall of Rome Leads to the Development of the Gutenberg Press
World Web and Networking: Laying the Foundation By Laura Bonnor, ETEC 540 New technology such as the World Wide Web and Social Networking have made dramatic changes within our society over the past few years, however I would posit that … Continue reading
Posted in Research Paper
The Penny Press
Please follow the link to read my research paper on Benjamin Day and the rise of the Penny Newspaper. Penny Press Heather