Author Archives: Courtney


I have now officially written most of my midterms. Not all, but most. I still have two more coming up next month!

For some reason, this term feels a lot harder than last term. It doesn’t really make sense to me because I’m taking 4 courses instead of 5 courses. Beh.

I’m sitting in the CSI&C right now, and I’m feeling super sleepy and sluggish. I feel like mush.  I wonder if it’s acceptable to take a nap here. The couches are so soft…


I just want summer to come and help me shake off this lethargy.

PS. I got an email

Here’s something I forgot to mention in recent posts but am still really excited about: I got granted an interview for the position of a coordinator on the 2014 SLC Planning Committee (oh boy, that’s a mouthful)! Yay!

It’s only the second step in the application process, but I’m surprised that I got past the first step.  I’m not entirely happy with the format/quality of my resume, and I definitely need to work on it before going summer-job hunting. For anyone in the same pickle (baha, pickle), the Centre for Student Involvement and Careers offers lots of resources for all sorts of job-related things, including resume advising. Even if you don’t go into the actual office at Brock Hall, the online stuff is super helpful! But seriously, resume-advising is a good idea.

In any case, I’m actually looking forward to attending that interview! It’s a group one, which sounds a little less intimidating but I’ll probably be a fun-sized bundle of nerves anyways because what if they don’t like me oh god. Welp.

A productive Thursday

Today, I gave my blog a makeover! I’m finding this theme to be much nicer to display my comicdoodlewhatsits on than the old one. Also, I now have a comics page where you can find ALL the comicdoodlewhatsits I’ve ever posted. Huffah!

I also cleaned my desk (which is actually just a wobble card table in the corner of my room), made more Active Health flashcards (for my KIN 103 course), and started on my chemistry lab report (wooo…). One pat on the back for Courtney!

On the first day of Reading Break…

Today I slept in until past 12, for the first time in weeks. And then I just lay in my bed, awake, for an hour. In that time I listened to some Tegan and Sara, played a few games of Tetris, and had a Skype call with my Berkeley boy. All the while snuggled under my thick duvet. It was awesome.

For lunch, I made myself a sandwich of avocados, havarti cheese, pre-sliced turkey breast, random greens, and a chipotle sauce, squished between white bread (which was actually just that special type of brown bread disguised as white bread. You know what I’m talking about). Mmmf, so good.

Here comes the part I’m not so proud of. I sat on the couch and watched PVR’d episodes of How I Met Your Mother, and then I moved to the kitchen table to watch The Powerpuff Girls Movie and Pokemon the Movie: Kyurem vs. The Sword of Justice. They were bad. So, so bad. But I watched them anyways.

It’s all the fault of gifs. the gifs prompted me to do it.

The rest of the day passed in a flurry of food (barbecued chicken for dinner!) and fangirl-ing over stuff from the Lizzie Bennet Diaries. Oh my goodness, there is nothing to dislike about the whole project!

Anyways, I’m promising myself now that the rest of my Reading Break won’t pass by in the same unproductive manner. No matter how good it feels in the present, I’m sure I’ll regret it by the time Saturday rolls around. I’ve got to make the most of it!

Valentine? NOPE.

Not a happy Valentines day

chemistry will be the death of me.