Category Archives: Kinesiology

Day of the Longboat (or oversized canoe!)

Stroke, stroke, stroke, stroke! Golly, that word sounds weird after a while.

For those you you who haven’t heard about it, Day of the Longboat is a UBC REC event held at Jericho Beach.  Basically, you form a team with whomever you like (I went with a faculty team) and you race against other teams in an oversized canoe.  It’s more fun than I describe it to be, I promise!

Here’s how my day went:

  • I got up at 6am this morning.  Yes, on a Sunday (the horror!).  There was no sun, and the moon was still high in the sky (and it was really, really bright).
  • I drove to Jericho Beach, which took me half an hour.  It was a lovely drive because all the lights along my route were pedestrian lights, and since no-one was out at 7 in the morning… What? Of course I didn’t speed!
  • Paying for parking at the lot was a pain for three reasons:
    • Today, you have to pay for parking; tomorrow, parking is free.
    • $3 an hour.  Seriously, why so outrageous?
    • I had no coins, which meant I scrambled around for twenty minutes looking for people who had change for a $10 bill.
  • I met up with 8 other first-year kinesiology students. Our team name? The Kintagious Kinky Kinners!   …Oh boy, do Kinners love their puns.
  •  We went out in our oversized canoe longboat and paddled hard. I’m pleased to say that there was no capsizing of any sort, although we came close. There was, however, lots of screaming, splashing, cheering, and laughing.
  • We did not come in last place. 😀
  •  We soaked in the (really, super-duper-ultra-hot) hot tub for a bit, and then went out for lunch and cheered and heckled incoming teams from other heats.  There were a lot of kinesiology teams out there, and we cheered for them all!

The KKK: After the race!

What disappointed me (a little): after we finished up, it felt like there wasn’t much to do. There was a feeling of “What now?” once we got out of our lifejackets, and there seemed to be no incentives for us to stick around. (Maybe that’s good, because we all had to study for our physiology midterm).

Still, I’d say Day of the Longboat is one event that all UBC students have to do at least once.  If you’re looking for spirit, you’d find it here!  It’s definitely a team bonding activity, so I’d recommend that you gather a group of friends, or people from your floor, or your faculty. And for goodness’ sake, not that kid you really can’t stand. 

Can’t wait for next year!

Back on track.


I am in a good mood because I had another BlogSquad bloggers’ meeting this evening.  They’re a real awesome bunch, y’know? We all reintroduced ourselves and rehashed on what it means to be a UBC blogger.

For some odd reason, my name didn’t fit on my name tag. :(

Before that, though, I had a bit of a terrible time.  I had to rush from Osbourne Centre to the CSI&C* at Brock Hall in 10 minutes, because I had gymnastics right before our meeting (yes, UBC offers a gymnastics class! But more on that later).  If you didn’t know, the Osbourne Centre is right by the Thunderbird arena, which is pretty darn far. 

Actually, I’m pretty sure that a lot of students don’t ever wander farther south on campus than that.  That’s how far Osbourne is.

So that’s one of my complaints about being a kinesiology student: Our classes are all over the map.  So a lot of us end up rushing between classes and being late to practically everything.  At least it keeps us in shape.

Anyways, I just wanted to say that I’m back to blogging about UBC things (for a little while, anyways). And I’ve got some ideas for new drawings! Yay! Also, I’m going to get back on track with homework. So here we go.


*Centre for Student Involvement and Careers.  You should check it out, because I heard there are some cool people there.

Finally, freebies!

Today, I picked up some free Kin swag.  It was pretty awesome, because all I had to do was fill out a couple of surveys and huzzah! free t-shirt and beer mug.

Although it would’ve been nice if the mug didn’t have “Class of 2011” etched on it.  But borrowers can’t choosers!


I’m going to wear this to Day of the Longboat.

Time to hit the books!

Whew! The weekend’s over.  I’ve had time to sleep, eat, paint my nails, soak up sun, catch up with family and old high school friends, and did I mention sleep?

I am now ready to finally start studying for tomorrow’s anatomy lecture in my Kin 190 class! Wait a minute, I thought I had that class on Friday…

It feels a bit strange to have the same class for what feels like the second time in a row.  At my high school (Burnaby North, in case you were wondering), we had a weird system where we had 4 classes a day, and every other day we had a different set of classes.  So we’d have classes A, B, C, and D on days 1 and 3, and classes E, F, G, and H on days 2 and 4.  To make it even more confusing, each day had a mixed up order of classes, and Wednesdays classes were shortened because we had a tutorial period.  Those administrators were definitely trying to mess with our heads.

My point is, I’m not quite used to having a set weekly schedule.  Routines are downright unfamiliar to me, especially in when I’m in my denying-that-summer-is-over phase! The beautiful weather isn’t helping.  But I’ve got to get over that, because it has come to my attention that midterms will be upon us in a month.  And that is a scary thought.

I’m very good at procrastinating, indeed.

Here I come, bone structure!

Our frosh was better than yours

I’m home from Kin Frosh! It was amazing; definitely a weekend never to be forgotten.  I’m not going to try and describe it, because you really had to be there to understand even half of what was going on.  Now I’m absolutely sure that Kin’s the best faculty, because I can’t imagine that the events for any other faculty beat ours (yes, I’m looking at you, Sciences). I would absolutely recommend that next year’s freshmen—even if they’re not in Kinesiology—go to frosh.  One thing I’ve learned: get out there and say yes to everything! Except drugs.  Drugs are bad, kids.

I’m super duper tired right now (which is a testament to the craziness that is Kin Frosh) and there’s a lot of reading I should be doing. So I’m going to go back to work and pray that my power doesn’t go out yet again.

Also I really hope there wasn’t actually an online chemistry quiz due today because I can’t find it.