Category Archives: On Campus

Exploring: The Museum of Anthropology

Hola! Have I ever mentioned that I love my classes this term?

Here’s one of the reasons why: My English professor, Gudrun Dreher, took us on a “field trip” to UBC’s Museum of Anthropology! It was a refreshing change from textual analysis in our little classroom in Buchanan D.

The MOA (Museum of Anthropology) can be found in the northern part of campus, on Northwest Marine Drive (past the rose garden).  It’s a beautiful building when you look at it from the back, but when you’re coming in from the front it does’t look like much at all.  There’s some very pretty landscape around the museum, although I don’t understand why there are sprinklers in the middle of the pond.

Inside are a lot of artifacts from different cultures; most notably, Northwest First Nations cultures*.  When I say “a lot”, I really mean a lot.  You could easily spend an entire day looking at the all the displays and reading descriptions.  I’m not a museum person myself, but I actually found that there were a lot of things that attracted my attention.  Those masks were pretty freaky! I want to borrow one for Halloween.

But because it’s an English class, there’s another big assignment we have to do.  Urgh. 

I’m glad she made us go to the MOA, though, because otherwise I probably wouldn’t have gone on my own.  Going to the museum is another thing that all UBC students should do (is it just me, or do I do recommendations a lot?).

So when you have time (and I mean when you’re not cramming for midterms), go!

*They have Bill Reid’s Raven and the First Men! It’s one of my favourite sculptures 😀


Back on track.


I am in a good mood because I had another BlogSquad bloggers’ meeting this evening.  They’re a real awesome bunch, y’know? We all reintroduced ourselves and rehashed on what it means to be a UBC blogger.

For some odd reason, my name didn’t fit on my name tag. :(

Before that, though, I had a bit of a terrible time.  I had to rush from Osbourne Centre to the CSI&C* at Brock Hall in 10 minutes, because I had gymnastics right before our meeting (yes, UBC offers a gymnastics class! But more on that later).  If you didn’t know, the Osbourne Centre is right by the Thunderbird arena, which is pretty darn far. 

Actually, I’m pretty sure that a lot of students don’t ever wander farther south on campus than that.  That’s how far Osbourne is.

So that’s one of my complaints about being a kinesiology student: Our classes are all over the map.  So a lot of us end up rushing between classes and being late to practically everything.  At least it keeps us in shape.

Anyways, I just wanted to say that I’m back to blogging about UBC things (for a little while, anyways). And I’ve got some ideas for new drawings! Yay! Also, I’m going to get back on track with homework. So here we go.


*Centre for Student Involvement and Careers.  You should check it out, because I heard there are some cool people there.


YES, IT’S TRUE. For all those Harry Potter fans out there, real-life quidditch does exist! And it’s at UBC in the form of both a club and a team.  Wahoo!

I went to an open session of quidditch on Tuesday.  It was held on McInnis field, by the bus loop. Oh boy, it’s more intense than I thought it would be.  To an outsider, it seems like a cross between American football, dodgeball, and basketball, all with a broom between your legs. If you’re an avid Harry Potter fan (like me!) you’d realize that it’s actually quite similar to what was described in the book.

But how does the snitch work? There’s actually a person who gets dressed up in bright yellow, and runs around campus (yes, the entire UBC campus) with a tennis ball in a long sock hung from a belt around his or her waist.  The seekers have to grab the tennis ball sock from the snitch; however, the snitch can fend off the seekers easily because the snitch has no broom to contend with.  There’s a lot of potential for the snitch to be a scumbag  interfere.

And did you know there’s quidditch at other universities? I saw a transfer from the University of Ottawa playing, and my friend who goes to Berkeley said that the Berkeley quidditch team trains super intensely.  I’m sure that the UBC team/club isn’t quite so aggressive, but they did mention that they play against UVic.

Personally, I enjoyed playing the game, but I’m not sure if I want to join the club.  Their games and practices run rather late in the evening; being a commuter, I can’t really afford to stay on campus for that long.  I’d have to get dinner on my own, and I’d lose precious study and sleep time. On the other hand, the fangirl inside me is insisting that this is absolutely something I should do (Harry Potter, squeal!).  Also, quidditch appears to be quite the workout.  But I’m just going to wait until Clubs Day and see if there are other clubs or groups I want to join.

Anyone else have a similar dilemma?

A TV Show?

On my way to the Osborne Centre, I saw that the B1 parking lot between Agronomy Road and Thunderbird Boulevard was occupied.  There were a lot of trailers and tents set up, and people milling about.  Many of those people were dressed in scrubs (the clothing health workers wear). Others were fiddling with equipment and pointing at things.


Apparently, UBC’s the set for a new TV show coming out this October.  It will be on CBC, according to a nearby traffic control guy.

This isn’t the first show (or movie) to be filmed at UBC.  If you go to Wikipedia, there’s a huge list of shows and movies filmed on campus, as well as the rest of Greater Vancouver.  It actually surprises me how many films had scenes that were shot here.

From what I could see of the costumes, it’s going to be a medical show.  So perhaps there will be clips that are shot in some of the local hospitals? We’ll have to see in October!