Tag Archives: SLC

Git ‘er done!


First blog post of 2014, tah-dah.

I was going to blog about the SLC, but that didn’t happen, obviously. I mean, I could write a very very late summary of my overwhelmingly awesome experience at this year’s Conference, but I’m not. Because that would just look bad, and y’all are over it already.

So with this blog post, I am going to absolve myself of all the guilt that I’ve been holding onto for the past 3 weeks for not doing what I was supposed to do. It’s been those shameful feelings that have stopped me from creating other (perhaps) wonderful things.

No, seriously, I got some ambitious ideas going on.

Idea Board

Okay, to be honest I have a lot of really silly tumblr text posts instead of ideas. But they cheer me up, so I’m keeping ’em!

In summary: I’ve been holding back on you guys. And since that’s really not what the SLC’s all about, I’m gonna throw myself back into blogging this term.

How Carousel-Style Interviews Work

If you read my previous post, you’ll know that I was attending an interview to be a coordinator for the SLC. I’m not really sure how well I did relative to the other interviewees, but I can offer some insight on what one can do to make a better impression. Mind you, this is all based on my own experience so take everything with a grain of salt and a cherry on top what.

At the beginning of the interview session, the mass of interviewees was split into three groups. My group  was the largest, consisting of eight girls.

How to dress

I emailed the exiting Human Resources Director, who was our contact during the process, and she said the general expectation was ‘business casual’. I don’t think there are any set rules about what that means.

In this scenario, I think it was okay to go a little bit trendier, especially if you were applying to a more creative position. There was a lot of variety in attire, ranging from plaid ‘n’ jeans to a more conservative blazer and skirt combo, with lots of artsy, stylish get-ups in between. While my outfit was a little boring, I’m glad I wore dressier pants because I think I would’ve felt a little uncomfortable in jeans.

The Individual Interview

A staff advisor—a staff member that works with and supports the SLC committee members, interviewed me. She was nice, but I couldn’t help feeling intimidated. I’m not particularly experience with interviews :S

Make sure you know your stuff before going in to your interview. You’ll leave a bad impression if you can’t describe what role you hope to fill in the organization. My interviewer asked me to elaborate on what I would do if I was an x coordinator, and I totally fumbled it and drew a blank. I felt really bad because I was just looking over the information on the website before the interview—but I didn’t have it committed to memory.

The Group Discussion

Basically, the interviewer threw out a possible scenario and we had to discuss possible solutions. The un-fun part was that people kept trying to edge each other out during the discussion, because everyone wanted to be heard and stand out. There wasn’t really any butting heads, so to speak, but there was definitely an air of competition. I was mostly struggling to come up with new ideas to add, because I didn’t want to repeat what other people were saying. So I focused on listening instead of trying to dominate the discussion.

The Problem-Solving Game

I’m not really sure if I should be talking about the specifics of the game, so I won’t. It’s kind of difficult to explain, anyways.

What I will comment on is that I’m glad that my group got this station last, as it was the least stressful situation, and we all had fun. The main thing the interviewer was looking for here was logic and cooperation skills. Tip for this section: if you have an idea, don’t be afraid to speak up!

Although I’m a bit doubtful that I’ll get offered a position, going through this interview process was definitely a good experience. One thing I regret is not asking more questions about the interviewers themselves and about their roles regarding the SLC. It would’ve helped me understand the organization more, even if I don’t get the job.

I hope you found this helpful! 🙂

I have my SLC interview tomorrow…

…and I’m super duper absolutely kind of nervous.

It’s a carousel type interview, which I’ve never heard of before but apparently they use it in a lot of university interviews (like for MUG leaders), so I suppose it must be a pretty fair process. The applicants go around to stations that include group activities and an individual interview. It’s mostly the individual interview that I’m anxious about, because I’m scared I’ll get all tongue-tied and stutter-y. 

Also, what to wear!? It seems like a more casual thing, so hopefully they won’t hold it against me if I wear nice-but-still-everyday-type clothing. Herpaderp.

PS. I got an email

Here’s something I forgot to mention in recent posts but am still really excited about: I got granted an interview for the position of a coordinator on the 2014 SLC Planning Committee (oh boy, that’s a mouthful)! Yay!

It’s only the second step in the application process, but I’m surprised that I got past the first step.  I’m not entirely happy with the format/quality of my resume, and I definitely need to work on it before going summer-job hunting. For anyone in the same pickle (baha, pickle), the Centre for Student Involvement and Careers offers lots of resources for all sorts of job-related things, including resume advising. Even if you don’t go into the actual office at Brock Hall, the online stuff is super helpful! But seriously, resume-advising is a good idea.

In any case, I’m actually looking forward to attending that interview! It’s a group one, which sounds a little less intimidating but I’ll probably be a fun-sized bundle of nerves anyways because what if they don’t like me oh god. Welp.

Coming up… The SLC!

Unlike the rest of the UBC Blog Squad, I decided to volunteer to be a part of the Student Leadership Conference instead of attending as a delegate. I thought I’d get a different experience, y’know?

SLC Volunteer T-Shirt

Also, I get to wear this cool t-shirt. Volunteers at this year’s SLC will be wearing purple and blue t-shirts, just FYI. 🙂

As a volunteer, I had to attend a volunteer work party. No no, it’s not like your employees’ annual Christmas party, but more like an orientation where we also do some menial-but-time-consuming-and-also-sort-of-important tasks in preparation for this Saturday. It was more fun than it sounds like, I swear!

Only after we did all that work did I realize how much there was to organizing the SLC.  On the dry erase boards in the CSI&C there’s a giant list of things that need to be done by Saturday. So much stuff to do! At the volunteer party, we only helped out with a fraction of it. So it’s pretty amazing that everything will be running smoothly this Saturday (er, knock on wood). Huffah for the SLC planning committee!

The best thing about the work party is that it reminded me about how awesome it is to get involved. Although I’m not going to be attending any of the much-anticipated presentations (Paul’s especially excited), I think it’s going to be fun working behind the scenes and making things happen!

Hopefully I’ll see y’all there? 🙂

Psssst. You can still register to attend the SLC right… here!