Author Archives: Courtney

A Haiku about Getting Up Early

Up before seven

Why is it still dark outside?

Nope, I can’t do this.

Second First Day of School!

Hello, hello 😉

My morning started off rather blearily (if you can imagine that). My alarm was set 5 hours earlier than it had been for the past week. By the time I left the house, the sun still hadn’t risen. Plus, I had to scrape ice off my car before leaving, which is actually pretty scary business when you’re sitting inside and your mother is outside creating horrible scraping noises on the front windshield.

I was actually pretty excited to be back at school. Seeing everyone in my class again (I couldn’t stop smiling) and meeting the profs brought back the feeling of reallyactuallytruly wanting to learn new things. And that’s an awesome feeling.

Although I can’t say I’m eager to find out what my body fat composition is this term. Not after all that turkey.

At the same time, I really wish school hadn’t started again so soon. None of my family member have school yet, nor do my friends at other universities. I feel like I’m losing out on valuable catch-up time with them. 🙁

Other highlights of my day include finding old high friends in unexpected classes, dodging the horrendous line-up at the Bookstore, and, for the first time ever, deciding to withdraw from a class (ENG 110). Oh, and I accidentally set off the panic alarm whilst trying to ignite the engine in my car. I didn’t make eye contact with anyone in the parking lot on my way out because of that.

All in all, it was a fairly decent day 😀 If only it was a little warmer…

How I spent my Christmas

How Christmas day is spent

I’m back and the holidays are here!

Hullo, world!

I’m alive and well. I survived my finals!… but barely. My last exam (the final final on the 19th) got cancelled because of the heavy snow (by Vancouver traffic standards). The busses couldn’t get up the hill to campus, and traffic was chaotic, and there were people who had to walk uphill to UBC, and it was just not pretty.

I got lucky and my mum drove me to school. It took us two whole hours to get from North Burnaby to the bus loop of UBC.  Thankfully, I was there early and I had time to grab breakfast and meet up with a friend before heading over to the Scarfe building for my exam. When we got there, however, other students in our class notified of the recent announcement that our exam was cancelled. Slightly dejected, my friend and I went on our way home. It was okay because he drove that day and I was able to catch a ride with him. We have to write that exam the first Sunday after school starts. booooooooooo.

Apart from that one mishap, though, I suppose the end of my first semester at UBC went pretty smoothly. Hurray for winter break!

Dear future Courtney

It is feeling like a really, really bad idea to have taken 5 courses.

At first, it was alright and everything about university was hunky-dory.

But now it’s a little too much—the bags under my eyes feel permanent, and I’m not feeling very confident right now. Five exams is too many. I think that extra course—KIN 115—might have been a bad idea.

Granted, I would have never met those cool people, like Ashley and Nadan (and actually everyone in that class) if I hadn’t taken it. I wouldn’t have learned how to do a handstand either. In fact, I don’t think my first term at UBC would have been as fun without my gymnastics/dance course.

But still—I know now that a bigger courseload is a little too much. So please don’t choose to take 5 courses again! We already have enough credits anyways.


Courtney of December 14th, 2012.

PS. Ignore this if you’re in fifth year, because I really, really want to have graduated after 5 years. I don’t want to be an undergrad forever.

PPS. If I do well on my finals this term, send me a sign! Quickly. Please.