Category Archives: Kinesiology

Registration complete!

Man, that was stressful.

I’m not sure whether I should be pleased or angry with myself for the final result. My term 1 schedule is pretty normal looking, with lots of short breaks and decent breaks. All in all, it’s good.

On the other hand, I have a weird looking second term schedule:


I’m glad I have the Fridays off, but I wish that 1-hour FNH 250 (nutrition concepts) class occurred on Tuesday or Thursday instead. Heck, I’d take a three-hour lecture to get that extra day off. Can you hear me, course scheduling gods?

Registration is open!

….For first years. And at this point, only some of them.

The late ones are still better off than any of the uppers years though. Out of all the undergraduates at UBC, second years get the last pick.  This year, second-year registration is July 8th-12th. Mine is July 9th, at 1:45pm.

The most worrying part is that already, the elective courses I want to take are filling up. Fast. I’m looking at you PHYS 101.

Nah, I’m just kidding. Wait list, here I come!

KIN Harlem Shake! …and a little bit extra.

I know I wasn’t there but still, my faculty is amazazazazing. But to be honest I don’t understand the whole Harlem Shake although I guess it’s like the planking craze but dancing. Bahaha.

PS. To see the Kin-coaster in its full glory, watch the kinesiology section on Imagine Day. Glorious, I tell you.

Happy KIN Week!

Remember back in October, when I applied to be a part of the KIN Week committee and got it?

Well, KIN Week is here! I’m super excited to see how our events pan out, because this is the first ever KIN Week. This week will set the stage for future KIN Week events! So here’s the breakdown:

Today we have a free KIN BBQ and dodgeball. We challenged Science to come out and play with us, but I’m a little doubtful that they will. In any case, we have lots of teams ready to play a round-robin tournament! My favourite team name? Kinner Kinner Chicken Dinner. Bahaha.

Tomorrow’s event is one of the bigger highlights of the week— The K-Factor. It’s sort of like a beauty pageant, except the judging isn’t based on your physical attractiveness, but rather how well you answer the questions and perform. Besides, everyone in KIN is good looking 😉

On Wednesday is the Kinesiology Career Fair. If you’re stuck on what to do with your life career-wise (I’m sure we’ll all hit that point one day or another), I recommend you go to this one. I heard there’ll be firefighters there. Firefighters.

Thursday evening is devoted to a Dinners For Kinners Potluck! I was in charge of coordinating this event (mostly, anyways), so I really hope it goes well! We’ve got lots of fun games lined up, thanks to our DFK team 🙂

On Friday there’s a bar event at Lola’s, but since I’m underage I’m not going 😛 So no comment from me on that.

You can find all these events on Facebook. Here is the main event page!

I have to go set up for the barbecue now. See you there!

For anyone doing neurophysiology…

Parts of the Brain, by Pinky and the Brain! I remember my psychology AP teacher showing this video to our class. The whole week after, all I could hear was “brainstem, brainstem!