Monthly Archives: November 2010

Bolter – The Possibility of a Respectful Remediation?

Introduction In Writing Space, Bolter’s discussion of the use of ‘remediation’ is an ongoing theme. He applies it to many different situations from culture, graphic design to the printing process. However, upon closer examination of the ideas of ‘Remediation’ in … Continue reading

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Multiliteracy Pedagogy in Policing

INTRODUCTION: The police organization that I work for serves a diverse and rapidly growing community of over one million people. The organization has experienced significant growth and maturation in recent years, to meet the needs of its community, and changing … Continue reading

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The Ups and Downs of Hypertext in the Classroom

Bolter- Chapter 3 Commentary#2 Hypertext and the Remediation of Print I like to think of myself as a strong reader with a fairly good understanding of technology. When faced with the question of having a book in my hand or … Continue reading

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Power Shifts Reflected Through Changing Literacies

“The issue—given that representation, especially in the linguistic modes of speech and writing, is so closely bound up with social and ethical values—cannot be debated at the level of representation alone. It does, always, have to be seen in the … Continue reading

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Commentary 2

Commentary 2 The Natives are Restless By Laura Bonnor and Soraya Rajan In “Digital Natives/Digital Immigrants”, Prensky (2001) outlines the challenges for today’s teachers when confronted by the technological natives in their classrooms. In “Growing up Digital,” Tapscott (1997) suggests … Continue reading

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Commentary #2

This commentary will review “Digital Literacy” by Teresa Dobson and John Willinsky, 2009. The concept of literacy has assumed new meanings with the fast- paced growing of new technologies.  Dobson and Willinsky (2009) share insights with chronological discussion of how … Continue reading

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Mutimodality: More Than Just Gains

written by Danny Borges The transition to digital text is resulting in many changes, including to paper based text itself.  In Gains and losses: New forms of texts, knowledge, and learning, Gunther Kress (2005) looks at this transition of moving … Continue reading

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The Electronic Book – Commentary 2

Introduction The following commentary will focus on Chapter 5: The Electronic Book of Jay David Bolter’s book Writing Space: Computers, Hypertext, and the Remediation of Print. In this chapter, Bolter (2001) examines how the book has been refashioned through digital … Continue reading

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Commentary #2

Writing Spaces: The Computer, Hypertext, and the Remediation of Print – Chapter 3 Hypertext; the electronic link to related information networks and the impact on writing and reading In Chapter Three of Jay David Bolter’s Writing Space: Computers, Hypertext, and … Continue reading

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A Critical Perspective on “A Vision of Students Today”

In setting the stage for a presentation and leading discussion in class recently, the presenter, a forty-something mature age student, started off by stating: “I hate lectures”. He then led an animated and highly participatory and student-centered session. As I … Continue reading

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