Posts from — November 2009

Cari Wilson’s Venture Pitch (sort of!)

Hi everyone!

I chose to enter the UBC Global Minds Challenge, rather than creating a venture pitch. I have, however, created a short “elevator pitch” to share with all of you, so you know what I’ve done!

Cari’s Elevator Pitch

November 24, 2009   9 Comments

Google Wave

Got my invite from Google this morning to try Wave.

I shall report next week on how it’s going.  Working with three colleagues in the US on a project to catalog innovative practices of higher education e-learning consortia.


November 23, 2009   10 Comments

Society for Applied Learning Technology

In my research for my final project, I spoke to someone in the industry that said I should share this information with my class:

Society for Applied Learning Technology

Specfically, that there is a New Learning Technologies Conference
in Orlando, Florida
March 3-5, 2010

Among the people they suggest should attend are:
School And University Professionals Involved In Technology-Based Instruction Delivery Systems For Education

The topics included in the conference schedule are:
Gaming & Simulation
Virtual Worlds
Mobile Learning
Knowledge Management
Social Networks & Web 2.0
Mobile Learning
New Business Technologies

I think that these topics relate to our module themes and team presentations and also to the topics covered in the other MET courses that our classmates might be enrolled in.
The person I spoke to is involved in Gaming and Simulation and Virtual Training, and mentioned the Department of Defence training videos that we were introduced to in the Module 9 presentation on Serious Games.

Hope that this link is interesting / useful for some of you.

November 23, 2009   6 Comments

Conclusion to Informal Learning

Thank-you everyone for your high level of participation in our  Informal Learning Environment.  We have been thrilled by the informal learning that has taken place there and our team has gained a lot of knowledge from the variety of responses and deep insights generated from the discussions.

Please view the interesting results of our Informal Learning poll and survey.


November 22, 2009   5 Comments

Module 11: Learning Community Environments


Hello all!
Welcome to this week’s presentation and discussion. Your moderators this week are: Dawinder Mann, Mark Reed, Jim Richardson, Michel Lacoursiere and Cecilia Tagliapietra.
To give everyone a “breather”, we’ve decided to work on Drupl- an online platform similar to Ning- to present the material for this Module.  You can access Module 11 through the following URL:
We really look forward to reading your comments and participations!
Dawinder, Mark, Jim, Michel and Ceci


November 22, 2009   2 Comments

A3 & M12 Reminder

As everyone is likely deep into A3 by now, I just wanted to remind you that your deadline is end of day (Pacific) Sunday, November 29th.  Please email your submission directly to me.

One reason this is such a hard deadline is that, immediately following, I will be distributing your submission to a few of your peers for their EVA evaluation as part of the M12 Venture Forum.   Please review the outline for M12 to make sure you understand how the Venture Forum works and what is expected of you.  Some points to consider:

1.  If you feel uncomfortable about your submission being distributed for peer evaluation (exposure of intellectual property or other good reason) please let me know soon.

2.  Note that you need to compose and post an “elevator pitch” portion of your A3 assignment in this weblog by the same deadline (meaning, convey your message in 30 seconds or less (150 words max) to entice people to learn more).

Please respond here or email me if you have any questions about A3 or the upcoming Venture Forum.  I will be marking your A3 submissions.


November 20, 2009   7 Comments

Digital Play

To go along with this week’s excellent presentation, and for ESL teachers, here’s a blog that I follow. The authors of the blog often discuss ways inwhich gaming can be used for English language teaching. There’s some great info here, I think.

November 13, 2009   4 Comments

Team 8 Conclusion

Team 8 Conclusion

On behalf of Ian, Sean, Ernie and myself (Jen), I would like to thank ETEC522 for excellent participation in this week’s presentation.  We hope you enjoyed the Moodle format for our discussions and activities and hope that you will also consider using the Moodle platform in your future teaching practices.

We have all learned something from the assigned activities and we definitely appreciated the insightful and reflective discussions towards collaborative technologies.  We are definitely sure that this will be a growing area of life long learning.

Please feel free to email or contact us if you have any questions or concerns about our presentation.  In addition, feel free to continue discussions in the Moddle forums, if you wish.

Enjoy the upcoming week as we are closer to the finish line.

Team 8

November 8, 2009   5 Comments

Group 8’s Wiki Activity

Hi Everyone,

It looks like our pool of collaboration technology resources is starting to take form. Thanks!

What’s been interesting is watching how it has been taking form. Some of you are showing your MediaWiki experience, while others are learning on the go.  Some of you are creating new pages for your reviews, while others are writing a review on the main page for collaborative technologies and linking directly to the tool’s web page. As a group we are creating something new (and hopefully useful) publicly. And as a group, I wonder, can we form a resource that is coherent , concise, and consistent both in content and format. Does this technology (and the time and energy that we have) allow for this? We’re about halfway through this module, and it’ll be interesting to see how this new resource will look like at the end.

November 4, 2009   11 Comments

AbiWord Online Collaborative Documents

Abiword, a lightweight open source word processor is now capable of online collaboration. In the previous post we were discussing how it would be nice if Google Docs had a client, and this may be that solution, but approached from the other direction.

I’ve created a collaborative document (tagged as ETEC522) which should be available to anyone who creates an account on AbiCollab, if you want to try it out.

Read the news.

Download AbiWord.

November 3, 2009   8 Comments