Change, or be changed

"Skeeter" Prather demonstrating blacksmithing at Rural Folklife Days: White Springs, Florida

Module one of this course has challenged me rethink the role of the educator in the 21st century. Try as we may to predict outcomes of changes in text technologies, we simply do not know how learning will take place in the future. Surely the need for qualified educators will exist, but in what form? The time to answer that question is now, before we join the likes of the “blacksmith” as he pondered how the automobile invention might change his occupation.

I’m Chris Aitken and I am an Instructional Designer for the Educational Enhancement Team at Lethbridge College. Aside from the task of designing courses for classroom, blended, and online formats, I am involved in several professional development projects at the college. I have been working in adult education for about ten years.

I am really impressed with my introduction to the MET program and look forward to course! -CA

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I chose this image because it reminded me of a similar picture that I took last year in my Grade 1/2 class of children during a session with our laptop computers. We were learning, as these children are, of relevant events in our community; which were the Olympics events. Children of all ages are exposed in some way to technology which supports their literacy learning.

My name is Leslie Dawes and I am teaching Grade One in West Vancouver at Irwin Park Elementary. I am taking ETEC 540 and ETEC 511 this term. I am excited about learning new concepts and ideas pertaining to technology. I am keen to have more knowledge and ability to support my student’s literacy learning through the intergration of technology. I have been working with West Vancouver School District Principal of Technology to implement an online Home Reading Program through virtual classroom. The children choose books through the West Vancouver Library link and post a reader’s response. Their entries are then put into a file that allows the teacher to view in list form who has made a response. It is a new technology for teachers and students. I look forward to working with everyone in ETEC 540.

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Miss Roussel? Yes, Johnny. What’s that?

Do my current grade 8 and 9 students know what a typewriter is/was? Have they ever seen one? Will they ever see a working one in their lifetime? Will my future students see this image in real life one day (perhaps on a field trip) and ask me, “Miss Roussel, what’s that?” It is amazing to think that just as I never saw a working LP disc on a turn table played with a needle and through a gramophone speaker, my future students will probably never see the original machine on which the ‘typing keyboard’ started – even though it is what their fingertips spend so much time tapping away on.

My name is Charmaine Roussel. I live in Vancouver, BC and I work at Little Flower Academy. I teach 192 beautiful gr. 8 and 9 girls at an all girls catholic school in Vancouver (near downtown). I am the Teacher of Religious Studies. I love my job. This is my second year at this school. I taught P.E. for two years at another catholic elementary school.

I have just started my graduate degree. This is my FIRST MET course. I am also being very “adventurous” (a.k.a – too smart for my own good) and taking ETEC 540 as well. Even though they are electives, I know both courses will be a lot of work along side regular full-time work. BUT, I’m up for the challenge.

When I am not working I enjoy working out, travelling the world (visited 10 countries this past summer), and spending quality “aqua time” on my family boat.

Looking forward to working with you all! From what I see already, it seems as though we are a lively bunch.

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I selected the image of a kaleidoscope as it represents a complex pattern of progressive colors and shapes, which to me mirrors the evolution of text technologies.  The kaleidoscope is a tool made up of colored pieces of glass and depending on the way it is held and focused, it will create different images.  The viewer can then interpret and assign meaning to the images, which have emerged.  The richness of the kaleidoscope is that it reflects back on who the user is.  The same can be said when examining and understanding the impact and implications digital technology is having on our ability to learn, comprehend, create, communicate as well as reflect.

I work in the not-for-profit sector in Vancouver.   In my organization, we are focused on communicating with, educating and building relationships with individuals that span multiple generations.  The application for what I learn in this course will support my ability to use technology to access and communicate with a wider network of individuals. It has been over 20 years since I completed my undergraduate degree and I am excited about entering the MET program. ETEC 540 is my first course.  Growing up in a generation where computers and other forms of technology weren’t commonplace in the home I am both curious and keen to expand my understanding and comprehension around the advancement of writing technologies.

I look forward working with all of you and to contributing to our exchange of learning and ideas!

Dee Dee

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Dynamism of text and technology


How embarrasing

This image caught my attention because it immediately reminded me of how text has woven itself into the very fabric of our personal and communal lives via mobile technologies. In a matter of seconds anyone anywhere could get information in the form of text about some event. Anyone, anywhere can learn about events and people through posts courtesy of text and technology.
It is almost as if text and technology connive sometimes to cause embarrassing moments, exposing things we would rather not have others know about.

Hi everyone, my name is Ifeoma, I live in Toronto Ontario and work as an IT professional.

I have a background in Graphics and web design and have chosen this course curious to learn the transition text has made over time and how it has affected literacy especially how text and technology combined have changed the spaces of reading and writing.

I expect to acquire knowledge and skills that I can translate and incorporate into the online training programs in my organisation.

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Exposure of new media


I picked this image because it jumped out at me right away – children are exposed to new media at such a young age. As educators, we need to teach children to use the tools they are exposed to at home in school. When I was entering school my family had an old computer that gathered dust in our kitchen. Now, I depend on my computer everyday and want to weave digital literacy into my classroom.

My name is Alison and I am teaching grade 1/2 in West Vancouver this year. This is my first met course along with ETEC 511. I am both excited and nervous about starting the program. I was drawn to this course as I really want to learn about the fluidity of spaces for reading and writing and how to incorparate them into my classroom. Last year I taught grade 5 and found it easy to incorporate blogs, wikis and discussion boards. I want to learn how to bring technology into the early primary classroom. I look forward to working with you all.

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All about Flickr titles, text, tags, and views

I chose this particular image because it represented for me the change through technology information from monologue to a dialogue standpoint. Information once seemed to move in one direction but now can move freely either way. Individuals can now share their opinions more widely with the worldwide community. As discussed in our readings/audio files, there is the greater dissemination of the word. The fire represents the speed nowadays in which dissemination occurs and with great ease amongst greater number of individuals. However, as noted there is also the more rapid dissemination of trash. Lastly, the idea of intellectual authority also arises along with the quality of materials with such widely available words.

I am a grade 6 teacher from Delta, BC. I am currently halfway through my Masters Program (course number 6). I am very interested in the use of technology in the classrooms and how it affects student learning. Technology will continually be present and evolve therefore learning and addressing it is quite important to fully challenge students and their learning.

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Gains and losses

Read-along Toy Story on the iPad. I don't even need to read to my kids anymore.

When I first found this picture, it stuck out because I recently bought an iPad. It demonstrates the changing ways in which text is read. It also serves as an example of how new technology can improve literacy and children’s interest in reading. However, I became disheartened once I read the title of the photograph.
“Read-along Toy Story on the iPad. I don’t even need to read to my kids anymore.”

That really struck home with the whole idea of gains and losses from the broadcast we listened to this week. When language learning shifted from solely oral to an emphasis on writing, I’m sure that many traditions and cultural aspects were lost. With a shift from printed text to digital, what will we be losing? Will it be those important connections made when reading to our children? (By the way, my daughter sometimes uses that very app on my iPad, but we read it together, and 95% of the time, we just read plain old kids books.)

I’m a Science and Physics teacher in Vancouver and dad to two adorable little girls.
I’m about half way through the MET program and am hoping that this course will give me a better understanding of the changes that are occurring with regards to literacy.

Dan Borges

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Thinking Outside of the Box

I chose the “Outside of the Box” depiction because it symbolizes, in part,  what education assists me to do -facilitate team outside of the box creative solutions and seeing opportunties, yet we never really leave the box because our institutional systems dictate how far outside of the box we can think.  Although technology has opened and transformed communication practices, such as writing, it also has created boxes, such my  email “Inbox” which threatens to make me a slave to the notion of immediate communication.   

I’m taking my 9th and 10th MET courses this semester. I work for the College of New Caledonia in the North Cariboo – Quesnel, BC.  As an educational administrator the fun lies in seeking creative (Outside of the Box) solutions in challenging times that make a difference to students, staff and the community.


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Falling through the Cracks

wait for me

I chose this image because I work with students with special needs. Most often, these students are without the reading and writing tools and technologies that are necessary for them to be successful; even the assistive technologies are not readily available for these students to manage and to keep up with their peers. Certainly, this is an unfortunate and regretful reality that requires much more attention in the public school system. Overall, I will research and explore if the current reading and writing spaces make accommodations for students with special needs.

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