Shaimaa Otify Intro

Leveraging Technology

I am Shaimaa. I am originally from Egypt but have been living in Munich Germany for the past 6 years. My interest as well as my experience is in nonformal education. Initially I worked in community development as I facilitated trainings and participated in community development initiatives. Then I worked for a couple of years in the corporate sector. I worked in the research and development department in Business Consulting firms to develop new tools and train consultants. With the move to Germany to join my husband, teaching Arabic to kids (6-8 years) was added to the mix. My heart is still in working with adults and I try to facilitate a training every now and then. I have 3 kids: 6, 3 years and 6 months. This term I am taking my 8th & 9th MET courses. I am interested in this course from two perspectives: the language teacher perspective and the broader educator perspective where reading and writing are the dominant mediums of interaction throughout the education process.

I chose this image as it presents a snapshot of the debate about technology and its impact on life in general and on education specifically. While some may see in this image, technology as leverage to move up, others may comment on getting down again by the technology or the role of “person” who is leveraging and who exactly is being leveraged. It also speaks about different types of technology as in text, sound, image, video, communication, etc…

Looking forward to learning with all of you

About Shaimaa Otify

Writing your bio or introducing yourself is a very tough job for me. How can you describe yourself, interests, life views in a few words, yet reflect a real picture of yourself. tough... huh?! Maybe this blog will reflect a tiny part of who I am as it develops. Obviously my name is Shaimaa Otify. I consider myself a facilitator, trainer, educator or anything along those lines. My main passion is empowering people. Currently I am doing a Master in Educational Technology in the University of British Columbia. I have a bachelor degree of Political Science. On the professional level, I worked in different fields: community development with a focus on youth development and education; Business Consulting focusing on research and development. Currently I am an Arabic teacher and a freelance trainer. I am originally Egyptian but have been living in Munich, Germany since 2008. I am a mother of 3 children (born in 2008, 2011 & 2014). As you see, It’s as complicated as every other human being :)
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2 Responses to Shaimaa Otify Intro

  1. jjstacey says:

    Hi there. Do you know this is an older, archived weblog. This is not the space for September 2014.

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