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Tag Archives: writing
Kerpoof and Rip.Mix.Feed
I created a story using I was motivated to explore this application because of my final group project on graphic novel creation. I am always looking for new and engaging tools for story creation in my elementary classroom. … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged Collaboration, communicating, digital technology, education, literacy, writing
Social Media and Literacy: Exploring how social media is changing our definition of literacy
Social Media and Literacy: Exploring how social media is changing our definition of literacy For this assignment, our group has explored social media and how it is changing our definition of literacy. We have chosen to present our information through … Continue reading
Posted in Final Project
Tagged communication, literacy, social media, technology, writing
The Finer Points of Writing: Word Separation and Punctuation
Introduction Having learned how to write before computers and spellcheck, I often tend to take my knowledge of spelling and grammar for granted. On my way through elementary school I learned to print neatly, capitalize letters, put a finger-space between … Continue reading
Posted in Research Paper
Tagged scripture continua, writing
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Dissecting Manga—Between the Images, Texts, Stories and Popular Culture
The visualized work for this research is on The rise of manga is not only a Japanese phenomenon, but an international happening. Manga is seen more as a sub-culture than a literal work. While texts are dominant in other … Continue reading
Posted in Research Paper, Uncategorized
Tagged Comics, culture, Image, literacy, medium, text, writing
1 Comment
From Slate to Notebook (or From Rote to Note)
From Slate to Notebook (or From Rote to Note) Ashley Bayles and Lauren MacDonald Introduction Albert Einstein took a test designed by Thomas Edison and one of the questions asked him to know the speed of sound. Upon not knowing … Continue reading
Posted in Research Paper
Tagged learning, literacy, note taking, reading, rote learning, teaching, writing
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Christian Influences on the Transition from Scroll to Codex
Bolter (2001) argues “the most important visual structure in the medieval codex was the marginal note”. I chose to present my research paper using Google Documents, in order to allow viewers the affordance of annotating the text. Feel at liberty … Continue reading
Posted in Research Paper
Tagged Christianity, codex, culture, reading, Scroll, writing
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Phaedrus: muddling of medium and memory
Plato expressed many concerns about the potential harm writing would have on society. He viewed the use of this new technology as an inhuman way to process knowledge. It was mechanical, devoid of feeling. Interaction with text provided no feedback … Continue reading
Writing and the Nature of Learning
The shift from exclusively oral communication to the use of text-based methods significantly altered the nature of knowledge acquisition, particularly human memory capabilities, information processing and collaborative learning. While the ability to write enables individuals to preserve their stories and … Continue reading
Tagged Collaboration, Commentary, Memory, Plato, writing
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Introduction- Text and Technology
Taken by: Debs I chose this picture because like most people, I text a lot on my phone. I text more than I actually talk on my phone (I know some people rarely talk on their phone and only text, … Continue reading
Literal Technology and Human Memory: Loss or Adoption?
Review of “Orality and Literacy” Chapter Four (Ong, 1982) Having been constantly immersed in a world of written letters and print, it is hard to imagine the condition of a completely oral culture. “Orality and Literacy” from Ong (1982) informs … Continue reading →