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Author Archives: chulme8
I came across an art lesson that mentioned so I thought I would try it with my class and essentially kill two birds with one stone. First, I took pictures of all of my students. Second, I uploaded them … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
The Rise of the Penny Newspaper
Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Please read The Penny Newspaper – hot off the press! And for your viewing pleasure, catch the latest episode of “Talk Show Time Machine – The Penny Newspaper”. Brought to you by: Steve Holmberg, … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Introduction: Christine Hulme
I chose this wordle because I couldn’t find a single image that represented the idea of text and technology. All of the words are relevant to my idea of writing and literacy. Words like “purpose” and “create” speak to the … Continue reading
Posted in Introductions
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In “Orality and Literacy: The Technologizing of the World,” Walter Ong (1982) distinguishes the differences between oral and literate cultures. In his contrast of the two cultures, he analyzes them as distinct entities, separate from each other. In this formal … Continue reading →