Foreign Policy Roundup #16: April 14-27, 2014

After a bit of a hiatus, Foreign Policy Roundup is back, and I am expecting to restart bi-monthly postings from here on out. Highlights for this week include the Myanmar delegation’s visit to Mongolia and Saudi Arabia’s decision to open an embassy in Ulaanbaatar.



Asia Pacific

After arriving in Ulaanbaatar on April 12, the director of the Myanmar Parliament was received by Z. Enkhbold, his counterpart in the Mongolian Parliament. Mongolia and Myanmar established diplomatic relations in 1956, but this is the first state visit by an acting head of Parliament. During his official visit, Tura U Shwe visited the Mongolian Election Commission. This year Myanmar is the chair of ASEAN. See my previous article on the potential of Myanmar-Mongolian relations, here.

Mongolia’s ambassador to South Korea participated in the 2014 Trilateral Summit held in Seoul, between China, Japan, and South Korea.

Member of Parliament and Director of the Mongolian Legal Commision, Sh. Tuvdendorj, received South Korean economic representatives. During the representatives’ visit they announced out plans to expand technological cooperation and establishing a continent-wide railway network.

Mongolia and Thailand held a consultation meeting, during which they discussed cooperation in tourism, education, and general political/economic affairs.

Mongolian MP, R. Amarjargal, participated in the Institute Fund Summit 2014 Asia event in Hong Kong. During his address, he said that Mongolia welcomes investment, making specific reference to the new investment law.



Mongolia’s newly appointed ambassador to Croatia presented his credentials to the country’s president, Ivo Yosipovich. Mongolia has managed to maintain good relations with many of the Balkan states as a result of its previous relations with communist Yugoslavia.

Minister of Foreign Affairs, L. Bold, met with the French Ambassador to Mongolia. France and Mongolia have expanded political and economic relations in recent years, increasing cooperation in such sectors as tourism and education.


Middle East

L. Bold made an official visit to Saudi Arabia, where he met with his counterpart in the Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This was the first such meeting between these two countries. During the visit, Saudi Arabia announced that it would be opening an embassy in Ulaanbaatar.


United Nations

Mongolia was elected to become a member of 2 UNESCO divisions: Population and Development; and Women’s Issues.

For previous postings, please CLICK HERE.


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