Five Years of Mongolia Focus

By Julian Dierkes

We posted our first blog on July 29, 2011.

The idea to blog grew out of discussions that Mendee, Byamba and I were having almost every day at the office. Social developments in Mongolia, current politics, curious aspects of comparisons, etc., these were all discussions we were having. At some point, we decided that there were not enough discussions of this kind that connected different centres of interest in Mongolia around the world.

At first we were speaking primarily to ourselves, though now accessible to others in our thinking.

As we kept writing, and we haven’t missed a month yet. Later on, Brandon Miliate and Bulgan joined our efforts and several guest authors have also contributed posts.

We’ve published a total of 403 posts.

The most read post has been “Corruption in Mongolia according to Transparency International“. It has been read nearly 1,500 times.

We’ve covered a great variety of topics, captured somewhat by this recent tagcloud.

Over these past five years, a total of 79,000 readers have visited our pages. The top ten locations of our readers are: Mongolia (23%), U.S. (20%), Canada (14%), UK (5%), Australia (5%), Germany (3%), Japan (3%), China (2%), South Korea (2%), India (2%).

Interest in the blog obviously parallels broader interest in Mongolia and thus spikes in particular around national elections.

About Julian Dierkes

Julian Dierkes is a sociologist by training (PhD Princeton Univ) and a Mongolist by choice and passion since around 2005. He teaches in the Master of Public Policy and Global Affairs at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. He toots
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2 Responses to Five Years of Mongolia Focus

  1. Dear Julian and team,
    Congrats for five years effort in providing this blog.
    It is all the time interesting and informative to read your statements and comments.
    Hope you guys will continue for the sake of the development of the Mongolian society and the country overall

    With best regards

    Gerhard Wackenhut
    Chairman of the board
    German Mongolian Business Association (DMUV)

  2. Ed Jager says:

    Dear Julian,

    Indeed, congratulations to you and the team. Your blog is a excellent source of views on the Mongolian scene from an distant but well -informed persepective. Keep up the great work!

    Ed Jager
    Embassy of Canada

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