6-Year Anniversary and Welcome Marissa Smith

By Julian Dierkes

Unbelievable! We’ve been blogging here for six years now!

That means that almost 100,000 users (93,500) have looked at over of a quarter of a million of posts (277,000). They’ve selected among over 480 posts.

The most read individual posts (excluding various pages and categories) have been:

  1. Corruption in Mongolia according to Transparency International
  2. Planning for 2016 УИХ Election
  3. Major Revision of Mongolian Mining Regulations Is Underway

Just over 23% of users are based in Mongolia, 20% in the U.S., 13% in Canada, then UK, Australia, Germany, Japan, China, Hong Kong and South Korea as the top 10 origins.

We’re delighted to continue to offer our best effort at analyzing contemporary Mongolian politics and social development. While we occasionally dream of somehow monetizing these efforts, we remain unsupported by any private or government funding, beyond the infrastructure and research mandate that our universities offer.

New Addition: Marissa Smith

As we celebrate past achievements and this anniversary, what a great time to add an additional writer to our group, Marissa Smith.

Marissa has written for the blog before, in fact her posts earlier this year on the sale of Erdenet Mine were particularly popular.

Marissa is an anthropologist which is a welcome addition to our disciplinary array of sociologists, political scientists and mining engineers. Read more about Marissa’s background on her About page.

We all look forward to Marissa’s perspective and posts and how you will follow her as closely as we all will be doing.

About Julian Dierkes

Julian Dierkes is a sociologist by training (PhD Princeton Univ) and a Mongolist by choice and passion since around 2005. He teaches in the Master of Public Policy and Global Affairs at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. He toots @jdierkes@sciences.social.
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2 Responses to 6-Year Anniversary and Welcome Marissa Smith

  1. mccorj says:

    Welcome Marissa.

  2. Byambaa says:

    Great to have Marsisa in our team! Look forward to your posts.

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