More on Oyun-Erdene’s Cabinet

By Julian Dierkes and Bulgan B

Marissa Smith has already provided an overview of the new cabinet. Here, we’re adding some more information in cabinet members as we had done for previous cabinets.

(new cabinet members in bold, if no party is listed in a bracket, the minister is from MPP)

Prime Minister – L. Oyun-Erdene, MP
Born 1980 in Ulaanbaatar
Journalist, Lawyer
Graduated from Bers Institute
Mongolian State National University, Mongolian Education University 2008
Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University 2015
Worked in Governors Office of Berkh city, Khentii 20012002
World Vision 2002-2008
Head, Social Development Department of Bayanzurkh District Governor’s Secretariat 2008-2009
MPP Governing Board Secretariat 2009
Head of Party Organization Department, MPP 2009-2011
Secretary, MPP 2011-2012
Acting Secretary-General, MPP 2012
President of MPP SDM Youth Association 2010 – 2015
(Sanders 217, 650)
Secretary of the Mongolian People’s Party 2011-2012
Acting General Secretary of the Mongolian People’s Party 2012
Member of Parliament 2016-Present
Cabinet Secretary 2017-2021
Prime Minister, 2021-present

Cabinet Secretary – N. Uchral
b. 1985 in Ulaanbaatar
Degree in law, Ikh Zasag International University, 2007
MBA, University of Gloucestershire, 2010
Master degree in history, Mongolian University of Education, Master of History, 2012
Doctorate degree in history, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2013
General Director, Royal Academy and Royal International Institute, 2010-2016
Member of Parliament, 2016-Present
Minister of Digital Development and Communications, 2022

First Deputy Prime Minister and Economy and Development – L. Gantumur, MP [DP] 
Born in 1973, Ulaangom, Uvs province
Communication engineer, Sendai Denpa College, Japan, 1996
Electrical engineer, Technical and Technological University, Nagaoka, Japan, 1999
Member of Parliament (three terms), 2004-2016
Minister of Education, Culture and Science, 2012-2016
President of Mongolian Democratic Youth Association, 2007-2010
Vice President of Mongolian Democratic Youth Association, 2000-2007
Deputy director, “Setgeshgui Trade” LLC, 2000-2004

Deputy PMS. Amarsaikhan, MP
Born 1973, Nalaikh, Ulaanbaatar
Linguist and Lawyer, Fresno College (California) 1996;
English Metropolitan College, 1998
Los Angeles College, 2000
Master’s degree in law from Southwestern University
Staff at Science and Information Technology Center 1992-1994
Attache at the Embassy of Mongolia to PRC, 2000-2004
Manager of Investment and Foreign Trade at American Trade and Development, 2004-2007
CEO, President and Director of BOD, Oyunii Undraa Group LLC 2007-2017
Member of the Citizen Representative Council 2012-2020
Head of the budget, finance and economic committee of the Citizen Representative Council 2016-2017
Chairman of the Citizen Representative Council 2017-2019
Mayor of Ulaanbaatar 2019-2020
Member of Parliament 2020-Present
Deputy Prime Minister, 2021

Deputy PM for Trade and Investment – T. Dorjkhand, MP [KhUN]
Born 1977 in Ulaanbaatar
Bachelor in Public Finance, MUST in 1995
Master, Public Economic Policy, Hitotsubashi University, Japan, 2004
Trained in Public and Private Partnership in Infrastructure, Harvard University, USA, 2010
Trained in Financial Theory, Oxford University, UK, 2012
Specialist in the Fiscal policy in Ministry of Finance, 1999-2002
Intern in the Ministry of Finance in Japan, 2003-2004
Acting head, Loan and aid department, Ministry of Finance, 2005-2012
Head of the Financial policy and loan management department, Ministry of Finance, 2012-2015
Advisor to the Executive Director, Asia Pacific Region, International Financial Corporation, Washington, USA, 2013-2015
Co-founded the KhUN, headed the BOD, 2016-2020
Member of Parliment, 2020-Present

Finance – B. Javkhlan, MP
Born 1975 in Darkhan
Economist, graduated from MUST in 1997
University of California, Riverside, 2008
Indiana University, 2009
Controller, Mongolbank 1997-1999
Plenipotentiary Mongolbank Representative to Agricultural Bank 1999-2000
Senior Controller, Mongolbank, 2000-2004
Deputy Director of the Trade and Development Bank 2004-2007
Elected to MPP Little Khural, 2013
MP since 2016 to Present
Head of Parliamentary Subcommittee for Local Leadership, 2016-2020
Deputy Vice President of the Bank of Mongolia 2010-2016
Minister of Finance, 2021-

Defense – S. Byambatsogt, MP
born in 1974, attended secondary school in Khovd
Economist and manager, Institute of Finance and Economics, graduated 1998
Master’s degree in business studies, Maastricht university
MPRP Social Democratic Mongolian Students Association, 2006-2008
MPRP/MPP Little Khural, Member, 2005, 2007, 2010
MPP Leadership Council, 2013
Member of Parliament (Khovd), 2008 – 2020
2016, Minister of Justice and Home Affairs
2022, Minister of Road and Transport Development

Justice and Internal Affairs – O. Altangerel, MP [DP]
Born in 1981, Uvurkhangai province
Bachelor in law, MUST, 2003
Master, Public Management and Law, MUST, 2017
Training Officer, Mongolian Law Enforcement Authority, 2003-2006
Advocator, Association of Mongolian Advocates, 2007-2024
Head of the Policy and coordination department, Ministry of Justice, 2012-2014
Head of the Ethics, Judiciary, 2013-2015
Deputy head, Mongolian Democratic Party, 2023
Member of Parliament, 2024-Present

Education – P. Naranbayar, MP [KhUN]
Born in 1976
Bachelor in International Relations, MUST, 2000
Master in law, Kioto University, Japan, 2007
PhD in International study, MUST, 2015
Specialist/officer in the Collaborative Relations Unit, Ministry of Environment, 2000-2002
Assistant to the Minister of Environment, 2002-2004
Head of the Japan Ecological Foundation Representative Office, 2002-2004
Officer in the Innovation Department, National Development and Innovation Committee of Mongolia, 2009-2011
Acting Head, Tourism Department, Ministry of Environment and Tourism, 2011
Director of the Shine Mongol Secondary Education School 2012-2020
Chair of the party’s Ulaanbaatar committee, KhUN Party
Representative of the Citizen’s Representative Khural, Head of Human Development Committee, 2020-2024
Member of Parliament, 2024-Present

Roads and Transport – B. Delgersaikhan, MP
Born in 1964, Dornogobi
Bachelor in law, University of Law Enforcement, 1987
Detective, Dornogobi Police Unit, 1987-1989
Lead detective and Head of the unit, Police Office of Dornogobi, 1989-2002
Founder and director of “Dorniin Gobi” LLC, 2002-2016
Director, “Bold tomor Eroo gol”LLC, 2004-2015
Member of Parliament (three terms), 2014-2020, 2020-2024, 2024-Present

Tourism, Culture and Sport – Ch. Nomin, MP
Born 1983, Ulaanbaatar
Daughter of Chinbat, Director of Gatsuurt Company (gold mining and agriculture)
University of East Anglia in 2003, Economics and Accounting 2006;
Director of External Relations of the Gatsuurt Group, 2006-2007
Manager, Terelj Hotel (owned by Gatsuurt), 2007
Director of “Terelj Suikh” LLC 2008-2011;
Harvard Business School 2018;
Executive Director of Mongol TV 2011-2021
Minister of Culture, 2021-2024

Environment and Climate Change – S. Odontuya, MP [DP]
Born in
Bachelor in international law, University of Saint Petersburg, Russia, 1988
Master in Business Administration, University of Saint Petersburg, Russia, 1989
Officer at the Science Technological Center of Mongolia, 1988-1991
Director, “Sod Trade” LLC, “Lots Invest” LLC, 1991-2012
Head of the “Irgen Ta Baylag” foundation, 2010-2012
Advisor to the Minister of Health, 2010-2012
Mayor of Bayangol District, 2016-2020
Member of Parliament (Four terms), 2012-2016, 2020-2024, 2024-Present

Foreign Relations – B. Battsetseg, MP
Born in 1973 in aimag center of Bayankhongor province
Graduated secondary school, Darkhan
Graduated from International Relations School at MUST in 1996
Directors of publishing houses Az Khur LLC, and Munkhiin Useg LLC 1996 to 2004
Institute of Finance and Economy 2000; Maastricht University of Management in 2005
Unit Director at Foreign Investment and Foreign Trade Agency, 2005-2007
Chairman of the board, Munkhiin Useg 2007-2015
Advisor to MPP Secretary-General, 2010-2011
Administration office, and Head of Foreign Relations and Cooperation Department of MPP 2010-2012
Director of the Board of Directors of Munkhiin Useg Publishing 2020 to Jan 28, 2021
Advisor to the Minister of Finance 2015-2016
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs 2016-2020
Minister of Foreign Affairs 2021-present
Member of Parliament 2024-present

Mining & Industry – Ts. Tuvaan, MP [DP]
Born in 1972, Ulaanbaatar
Graduated from Comenious University, Republic Of Slovakia
Bachelor in medicine, Mongolian University of Medicine, 2000
Secretariat of the Chingeltei District Democratic Party Unit, 2000-2008
Advisor to the Minister of Health, 2008-2012
Deputy Minister of Industry and Agriculture, 2012-2015
Head of the Human Development and social welfare, 2015
Secretary General of Democratic Party, 2017-2020
Member of Parliament, 2020-2024, 2024-Present

Family and Social Protection – L. Enkh-Amgalan, MP
Born 1970 in Khuvsgul; graduated secondary school in Murun
Economist and IT Engineer, Graduated from the University of Saint Peterburg in 1992; Dakota University [sic] in USA the in 1996; and Hangdon University in 2002
Director-General of Interpress LLC 1995-1996
Editor in Chief at Il Tovchoo Newspaper, Montsame Agency 1992-1995
Vice President of MCS Group, Board of Directors of Unitel Group 1996-2012
Advisor to the Prime Minister of Mongolia, 2011-2012
Member of Executive Committee of the MPP, 2012-Present
Member of Parliament since 2012-Present
Chairman of the Standing Committee on Education, Culture and Science, Deputy Speaker of the State Great Hural, 2016-2017
Deputy Speaker of the State Great Hural 2017-2020
Chairman of the Standing Committee on State Structure of the State Great Hural from 2020
Minister of Education and Science, 2021-2024

Urban Development and Housing – J. Batsuuri , MP [DP]
Bachelor, University of Finance and Economics, Mongolia, 1993
Master, Management Academy, Mongolia, 2003
Dealer, Mongolian Stock Exchange, 1992-1994
Director, Molor Impex, LLC, 1994-1999
Director, Dorvolt, 1999-2000
Deputy Director, Government Service Authority, 2005-2007
Head of the Sukhbaatar Province Unit of Democratic Party, 1997-2017
Governor of Sukhbaatar Province, 2008-2016
Advisor to the President of Mongolia on Rural development, 2017
Member of Parliament, 2020-2024, 2024-Present

Health – T. Munkhsaikhan, MP
Born 1983 in Ulaanbaatar.
Graduated from the Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences, 2006 and 2013, Medical Doctor, with master’s degree in Medicine.
Doctor, National Trauma and Orthopaedic Research Center of Mongolia, 2008-2014
Head of the surgery department, National Trauma and Orthopaedic Research Center of Mongolia, 2014-2018
Director-General, National Trauma and Orthopaedic Research Center of Mongolia, 2016-2018
Director-General, State Hospital Central Hospital #1, 2019-2020
Minister of Health, 2020-21

Food, Agriculture, and Light Industry – J. Enkhbayar, MP
Minister of Defense around 2012
Born 1973, Ulaanbaatar
Graduated from the Military school in 1991
Studied law at the MUST, 1999
MBA, Maastricht University, Netherlands, 2005
Director at “Gazar”LLC, and BOD at “Nekhii” LLC, and “Suljmel” LLC, 1992-2000
Director and Deputy Director at the Monitoring unit, Ulaanbaatar Customs Authority, 2002-2004
Advisor to the General Customs Authority, 2004-2006
Deputy director and Secretariat General at the General Agency for Specialised Inspection, 2006-2008
Member of Parliament, five terms, 2008-2012, 2012-16, 2016-20, 2020-24, 2024-Present
Minister of defence 2012

Energy – B. Choijilsuren, MP
b. 1970, Tes, Uvs province
Automation and telemechanics, Urals Higher Polytechnic, Sverdlovsk (Yekaterinberg), graduated 1993
MPRP/MPP Little Khural, 2005-2015
Member of Parliament, 2012-Present
Minister of Finance, 2016
Minister of Energy, 2022

Digital Development and Communications –  Ts. Baatarkhuu, MP [DP]
Born in 1981, Binder soum, Khentii Province
Social Science, MUST 1999-2002
Khan-Uul University, 1999-2004
Management Academy, 2005-2007
Head of the Press, Government of Mongolia, 2005-2006
Director of the Lector Center, 2004-2012
Acting Mayor, 2012-2013
Citizens’ representative, 2012
BOD, MLS training LLC, 2013-2016
Advisor to the President of Mongolia, 2016
Advisor to the Urban Policy Research Institute, 2014-Present
Head of the DP caucus, Citizen’s Representative Council, 2016-Present
Director of MLS Training, LLC 2016
Citizens’ representative, 2016-2020
Secretary General, Democratic Party, 2020-
Member of Parliament, 2024-Present

Twenty-Minute City – R. Erdeneburen, MP [DP]
Studied law, at NUM, 1999
Assistant to the MP, 2000-2004
Member of Parliament, 2004-2008
Advisor to the Minister of Environment, 2009-2010
Secretariat to the Ministry of Defence, 2012-2015
Secretariat, Ministry of Labour, 2015-2016
BOD, Songolt Design LLC 2018
Member of Parliament, 2024-Present

National Monitoring and Evaluation Commitee – E. Odbayar, MP [DP]
Bachelor in Business Administration, School of Economy and Business, 2008
Master in economics, School of Economy, NUM, 2012
Master in public administration, Management Academy, 2015
Started as secialist, senior specialist and Director of the Unit, Mongolian Labour Exchange, 2007-2012
Director of the Internal Monitoring, Evaluation and Inspection at the Ministry of Human Development and Social Protection, 2012-2013
Director of the Secretariat, National Authority for Children, 2013-2015
Director of the Internal Monitoring, Evaluation and Inspection at the Ministry of Human Development and Social Protection, 2015-2016
Director of the National Authority for Children, 2016
Director of the DP secretariat, 2017-2019
Advisor to the DP Head, 2033-2023
General Secretariat of of the DP, 2023-2024
Member of Parliament, 2024

About Julian Dierkes

Julian Dierkes is a sociologist by training (PhD Princeton Univ) and a Mongolist by choice and passion since around 2005. He teaches in the Master of Public Policy and Global Affairs at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. He toots
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