Working Paper on Human Security of Mongolia

I am posting the abstract and link of my recent paper, “Unkept Human Security Promises in Developing Countries: A Case of Mongolia,” which is published as a working paper series of the Central Asian Program.  There are many weaknesses in the paper, and, I am really looking forward to any comments and criticisms.

Here is the link and following is the abstract.

Human security challenges in developing nations attract little attention when the latter are not experiencing armed conflicts. In spite of declarations and good intentions to improve human security, populations in developing countries remain vulnerable to both non-systematic violence and non-violent human security threats such as poverty, disease, and disasters. Non-conflict related human security is often worsened by three main factors: 1) the unprecedented difficulties of political and economic transitions in post-Communist Eurasia; 2) nation-specific geographic and ecological features; and 3) the ineffectiveness of the state to deliver security, social justice, and sustainable development. Mongolia is an excellent case study to understand the unkept human security promises of the developing world as it represents a new democracy, a landlocked state with specific geographic and ecological constraints, and ineffective state bodies unable to manage their limited resources.

About mendee

Jargalsaikhan Mendee is a Deputy Director of the Institute for Defense Studies of Mongolia. He holds a PhD in Political Science from the University of British Columbia, and MAs in International Relations from the US Naval Postgraduate School and in Asia-Pacific Policy Studies from the Institute of Asian Research of the University of British Columbia.
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