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Author Archives: boon
making connections
I started a bit of mind map in an effort to reflect on everything we have covered in this course. This is just a start. I think could be branching off for miles in each direction, especially as I look … Continue reading
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Tagged 540, Image, learning, Making Connections, overview, review, text, topics
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Why You Shouldn’t Go to Graduate School
What motivated you to explore the appliction(s) you used? This was a tongue in cheek experiment with one particular web-based tool called “”, which is intended to help “create and share visual ideas online”. This reminded me of some of … Continue reading
The Invention of Photography
Hi there, Janet and I collaborated on the topic, the “invention of photography”, which includes the invention of photography up until the invention of the digital camera. Given that photography is our topic, would be remiss if we didn’t include … Continue reading
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evolving language
hello everyone, I chose this picture to represent the changing nature of language. I remember taking a middle english course back in undergrad and was really intrigued by the changes that have occurred in language over time, such as with … Continue reading
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The Spectre Haunting Online Learning
For this formal commentary assignment, I have chosen to expand one of the suggested questions about Ong’s approach, as I am particularly interested in the dichotomies that arise in psychology and in education. Two of the major criticisms of Ong’s … Continue reading →