How do Japanese view Mongolia?

An interesting article written by Kunio Minato (JGSS Research Center).

JGSS-2006 から見た日本におけるモンゴル国の好感度 -東アジア各国・地域との比較検討-
(日本版総合的社会調査共同研究拠点 研究論文集[9] JGSS Research Series No.6)


Favorability of Mongolia in Japan Seen From JGSS-2006:
Comparison With East Asian Countries/Region

Relationship between Japan and Mongolia has been expanding since Mongolia abandoned its socialist system in 1990. Then, how do the Japanese feel about this “new” neighbor? And what are the factors associated with it? To answer these questions, the author examined favorability of Mongolia and made a comparative analysis with other East Asian countries and region (South Korea, North Korea, China and Taiwan), using JGSS-2006 data. The results are the following: First, favorability of Mongolia is the second highest after Taiwan. Second, amount of reading books has significant positive effect on the favorability, which might reflect the popularity of Japanese literatures featuring Mongolia or Mongolian figures. Third, males are more likely to have favorable feeling toward Mongolia than females are. Fourth, Mongolia makes favorable impression residents in especially in Kanto area. JGSS-2006 is virtually the first social survey which asks favorability of Mongolia to the Japanese, and the results of analysis shown in this
article are expected to deepen mutual understanding between Japan and Mongolia.

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