Insights from the 2010 Mongolia Census

A preliminary summary of the 2010 Mongolia census is available online.  The census shows us some important trends in Mongolia.

Total population in Mongolian has reached 2 754 658. An estimated 100 thousand people counted as Mongolian citizens living abroad for more than six months, but it is doubtful how many percent of Mongolian citizens studying or working abroad were able to register or be counted.

Migration to urban areas is on rise. In 2000, 56.6 percent of the population were living in Ulaanbaatar, aimag centers, and towns. Now, that is 67.9.  Only from the second half of the twentieth century, Mongolia has seen rapid urbanization. Urban population was only 21.6% in 1956, but it doubled within next two decades and reached 51.5% in 1979. There have significant urban to rural migration in the country in the early 1990s due to the privatization of socialist farms and cooperatives. But we see substantial growth of urban population over the past decade. We are in the second wave of rural to urban migration in Mongolia.

Data source:







to be continued.

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