Results from the Corruption Perception Index 2013

On Dec 3, Transparency International released its annual Corruption Perception Index.

Previous Posts

Last year, I wrote two blog posts that specifically focused on the CPI score for Mongolia:

Last weekend, I wrote a post that looked ahead to the release of the 2013 CPI.


In 2013, Mongolia’s score came in as 38. That puts Mongolia at 83rd least corrupt among the 177 countries that are included in the CPI.

Elements in the CPI

Some hours after the initial release of the CPI, TI also provided the complete data set of component scores on its website.

For the 2013 CPI, the following sources are listed as sources:

  • Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index 2014
  • Economist Intelligence Unit Country Risk Ratings (no date)
  • Global Insight Country Risk Ratings (n.d.)
  • Political Risk Services International Country Risk Guide (n.d.)
  • World Bank – Country Policy and Institutional Assessment 2012
  • World Economic Forum Executive Opinion Survey (EOS) 2013
  • World Justice Project Rule of Law Index 2013

Here is a summary of the CPI scoring for Mongolia:

Rank Score Surveys Used S.E. Lower 90% CI Upper 90% CI Min Score Max Score
2012 94 36 7 2.6 32 40 26 47
2013 83 38 7 2.2 34 42 31 47

Here are the individual component scores on a normalized scale out of 100 as calculated by TI:

2012 32 31 47 26 37 38 42
2013 40 31 47 32 33 38 42

The WEF’s Executive Opinion Survey contributed by far the lowest score to the overall CPI in 2012. This score has moved up significantly to 32 this year. Given that this score reflects an annual opinion survey, movement in the score seems plausible and may well reflect some of the perceptions of corruption that I discussed previously. Likewise the Bertelsmann Transformation Index has moved up significantly to 40. These two increases are somewhat balanced by the drop in the score from the World Justice Project. Though even if the WJP score had remained the same, the overall score would not have changed, so the 2-point increase for the score is driven by the rise in the BTI and WEF scores.

Countries with an Identical Score to Mongolia

Burkina Faso, El Salvador, Jamaica, Liberia, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago, Zambia

Scores for Select Post-State Socialist Countries

Estonia (68), Poland (60), Armenia (36), Vietnam (31), Russia (28), Tajikistan (22), Uzbekistan (17)

Select Scores in Mongolia’s Neighbourhood

Singapore (86), Japan (74), Taiwan (61), S Korea (55), China (40), Indonesia (32), Kazakhstan (26), Kyrgyzstan (24), Myanmar (21)

The average score for the Asia Pacific region (TI includes Mongolia in this region, though I have simply picked countries in some geographic proximity to Mongolia for the listing above) is 43. While below the average, Mongolia comes in above the median score for the region (36).


About Julian Dierkes

Julian Dierkes is a sociologist by training (PhD Princeton Univ) and a Mongolist by choice and passion since around 2005. He teaches in the Master of Public Policy and Global Affairs at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. He toots
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