Khurelsukh Cabinet

By J Mendee & Julian Dierkes

It has been an odd development that the MPP government led by Prime Minister J Erdenebat fell, even though the MPP still has its super-majority in parliament. Ultimately, this has been fallout from M Enkhbold’s defeat in the presidential election. Now, U Khurelsukh comes in to a lead a new MPP government that at least carries the whiff of genuine reform around it, especially when it comes to issues like state appointments (following the ₮60b scandal). Khurelsukh’s cabinet gives us some further indications of whether the desire for reform is a mere whiff, or if real change can be expected.

The Khurelsukh cabinet, like Erdenebat’s, has 16 ministers and 13 ministries. All ministers were appointed from parliament like Prime Minister Elbegdorj’ cabinet of 1998. Only 2 members of cabinet are women.

On Oct 13, the cabinet still awaits final approval from the president and parliament, but we’ve offered an initial assessment at The Diplomat.

The cabinet was confirmed and sworn in on Oct 18 2017.

Julian has expressed his disappointment with this cabinet. Mendee feels a bit more optimistic about the cabinet.

Prime Minister (Монгол Улсын Ерөнхий Сайд): U Khurelsukh (MPP)
Born 1968
Defense University of Mongolia (Political Science), Institute of Public Administration and Development (Public Administration), National University of Mongolia (Law)
Deputy Prime Minister 2014-2015
MPP Gen Secretary 2008-2012
Member of Parliament 2000-2008
Minister of National Emergency Agency 2004-06
Minister in charge of Professional Inspections 2006-08
Deputy Prime Minister 2016-17

Updated Feb 2 2019 to reflect G Zandanshatar’s replacement as Cabinet Secretary by L Oyun-Erdene after Zandanshatar was elected Speaker of parliament.

Cabinet Secretary (Хэрэг эрхлэх газрын дарга): MP L Oyun-Erdene
Born in Khentii
Journalist, Lawyer
Graduated from Bers Institute
Mongolian State National University
Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
Worked in Governors Office of Berkh city, Khentii 2001
World Vision 2002-2008
MPP Governing Board Secretariat 2009
Member of Parliament 2016-Present

Deputy Prime Minister (Шадар сайд): MP O Enkhtuvshin (run second for the Prime Minister candidacy in October at the party plenum)
Born in Khuvsgul
A career party bureaucrat from 1980
Director of Mongolian and Radio and Television 1996-2005; Secretary of the MPRP 1996-1997 and also 2012-2013
Member of Parliament 2000-2004, 2008-2012, 2012- Present
Cabinet Secretary 2006-2007
Minister for Education, Culture and Science 2006-2008

Minister of Justice and Interior Affairs (Хууль зүй дотоод хэргийн сайд): MP Ts Nyamdorj
Born in Uvs
Lawyer, Graduated Leningrad State University (Russia)
Member of Parliament 1996 to Present
Minister for Justice and Internal Affairs 2000-2004 and 2008-2012
Chairman of Parliament 2005-2007
Vice Chairman of the Parliament from 2016

Minister of Finance (Сангийн сайд): MP Ch Khurelbaatar
Born in Uvs
Economist, Graduated from the Financial and Economic Institute (Leningrad, Russia) and University of Sydney (Australia)
Lecturer, Mongolian State University 1998-2000
State Secretary of the Ministry of Finance and Economy 2007-2008
Minister for Energy 2008-2012
Member of Parliament 2008-Present

Minister of Defense (Батлан хамгаалахын сайд): MP N Enkhbold
Born in Tuv Province
Engineer-Economist, graduated from the Press Institute of Moscow (Russia), Communist Party Institute (Russia), University of Sydney (Australia)
Advisor to the Deputy Premier 1997-2000
Member of Parliament 2000 – Present; Vice Chairman of the Parliament 2008-2012.

Minister of Energy (Эрчим хүчний сайд): MP Ts Davaasuren
Born in Khuvsgul
Engineer and Economist, graduated from Polytechnical University (Russia), Management Academy, Saitama University (Japan)
State Secretary of the Ministry of Finance 2005-2008
Member of Parliament 2009 to Present
Chairman of the Budget Standing Committee for 2008 and 2012 parliament

Updated Feb 2 2019 with the appointment of Yo Baatarbileg to replace Ts Tsogzolma as min of Education

Minister of Education, Culture, Science and Sports (Боловсрол, соёл шинжлэх ухаан, спортын сайд): MP Yo Baatarbileg
Born in Arkhangai
Educator (anthropology, archeology, history)
Graduated from Mongolian State National University
Worked in the Presidential Office 2002-2009
Advisor to the Minister of Food and Agriculture 2009-2010
Governor of Arkhangai 2010-2012
Member of Provincial Legislature, Arkhangai 2012-2016
Member of Parliament 2016 – Present

Updated Oct 5, 2018 with the appointment of Ya Sodbaatar to replace J Bat-Erdene as Min of Roads and Transportation

Updated again Feb 2 2019 with the appointment of B Enkhamgalan to replace Ya Sodbaatar as Min of Roads and Transportation

Minister of Roads and Transport (Зам, тээврийн хөгжлийн сайд): MP B Enkhamgalan
Born in Gobi-Altai
Intelligence, Security Service
Graduated School of the State Security Committee, Russia
Foreign Service School, Mongolian State National University
Worked in General Intelligence Agency 1995-1999,
Worked in World Trans LLC, Ulaan Butan LLC, Tavan Erdene LLC, Misheel Group/Expo LLC 1999-2016
Member of the Ulaanbaatar City Legislature 2008-2016
Member of parliament since 2016

Minister of Environment and Tourism (Байгаль орчин, аялал жуулчлалын сайд): MP N Tserenbat
Born in Uvs
Graduated Mongolian University of Science and Technology
Vice Director, Uvs Khuns LLC 2010-2012
Transinconsult LLC 2015; CEO “UFC”2016
Member of Parliament from 2016

Minister of Foreign Relations (Гадаад харилцааны сайд): MP  D Tsogtbaatar
Born 1970 in Ulaanbaatar
Speaks English, Russian, Khmer and Thai
Diplomat, Graduated from the Moscow Institute for Internaitonal Relations (Russia), Australian National University.
Worked at the Ministry of Foreign Relations 1994 – 2002
Foreign Policy Advisor to the President 2002-2008
State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Relations 2008-2012
Minister for Environment and Tourism 2014-2015
Minister for Construction and Urban Development 2014-2015
Member of Parliament from 2016

Minister of Mining and Heavy Industry (Уул уурхай, хүнд үйлдвэрийн сайд): MP D Sumiyabazar (wrestling champion)
Graduated from the Mongolian University of Science and Technology.
General Director, “ABC Development” LLC 2003-2006
Vice Director, “Asashoryu Foundation”
Board Member, National Investment Bank
Member of Parliament, from 2016

Minister of Labor and Social Protection (Хөдөлмөр, нийгмийн хамгааллын сайд): MP S Chinzorig
Graduated from Mongolian State University
Deputy Governor of Uvurkhangai Province, 1992-1996
Chairman of Citizens’ Council of Uvurkhangai Province, 1996-2000
Vice Minister of the Ministry of Social Welfare, 2000-2008
Minister for Labor, 2014-2015
Member of Parliament from 2016

Minister of Construction and Urban Development (Барилга, хот байгуулалтын яам): Kh Badelkhan (Kazakh)
Born in 1971
Graduated from the Polytechnical University and Management Academy of Moscow
President of the “Orken” foreign trade company 1994-2000 and construction company 2000 – 2005
Governor of the Bayan-Ulgii Province  2008-2012
Member of Parliament 2008 – 2012
Vice Minister of the Ministry of Industry 2015-2016

Minister of Health (Эрүүл мэндийн сайд): MP D Sarangerel
Journalist, Graduated from Omsk Technological Institute (Russia) and University of Rostov (Russia)
Director, Editor, MM News Agency, 1995-2000
General Director, TV5 2005-2011
President, Mongolian United Association of Journalists 2005-2011
Secretary of the MPP 2011-2012
Member of Parliament from 2012

Updated Jan 14, 2019 with the appointment of Ch Ulaan to replace S Batzorig as Min of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry

Minister of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry (Хүнс, хөдөө аж ахуй, хөнгөн үйлдвэрийн сайд): MP Ch Ulaan
Born in 1954, Sukhbaatar
Graduated Irkutsk State Agrarian University (Soviet Union), Moscow Management (Russia)
Former Communist Party Appratchik – various posts at the MPRP Central Committee 1985-1990
Director of National Development Agency 1992-1996
Deputy Premier 2004-2006
Finance Minister 2000-2004, 2007-2008, 2012-2014
Member of Parliament from 1996

About Julian Dierkes

Julian Dierkes is a sociologist by training (PhD Princeton Univ) and a Mongolist by choice and passion since around 2005. He teaches in the Master of Public Policy and Global Affairs at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. He toots
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