By Julian Dierkes
There was a lot of enthusiasm on display early on June 24 as the polls opened.
Expressions of enthusiasm built in part on the very active өглөө campaign that had been part of a bring-out-the-youth-vote effort.
The general aim to mobilize young voters was paired with a resurgent fashion interest in the deel that also ended up being much in evidence online.
Below is a gallery of some of my favourite posts from the day. I note that for some of these the origin of the photo and thus the identity of original photographers is unclar.
Залуу хос хуримын дурсамжаа төрийн сонгуулиараа тамгалав. Энэ бол төрөө ихэд хүндэлж дээдэлдэг ард түмэн гэдгийн баталгаа. Энэ хүндлэлийг бүү луйвардаасай!
Өнөөдрийн хамгийн анхаарал татсан зураг???? #Сонгууль2020????????????????????????— торгон мэдрэмж (@TorgonM) June 24, 2020
One of the best picture of election 2020
— Batbold О.Батболд (@OBatbold) June 24, 2020
Distancing at rural polling station.
— Julian Dierkes (@jdierkes) June 24, 2020
Voting with parents is definitely a thing!
— Julian Dierkes (@jdierkes) June 24, 2020
And… voting with grandparents is also a thing!
— Julian Dierkes (@jdierkes) June 24, 2020
Саналаа #Өглөө
90 хүрсэн, хэвтэрт байдаг эмээ минь зорин очиж өгч байхад эрүүл, залуу хүн та өөрийнхөө төлөө, үр хүүхдийнхээ ирээдүйн төлөө, илүү гэгээлэг, илүү шударга, илүү боломжтой нийгмийн төлөө саналаа заавал өгөөрэй!#uglooo #дээлтэйсаналааөглөө
— Эрдэмтэн Туулай ???? (@ErdemtenTuulai) June 24, 2020
Common sight on election day: older Mongolians dressing formally, including wearing their medals!
But here, example of a younger deel-wearer as well!
????— Julian Dierkes (@jdierkes) June 24, 2020