I came across an art lesson that mentioned Dumpr.net so I thought I would try it with my class and essentially kill two birds with one stone. First, I took pictures of all of my students. Second, I uploaded them individually into the “photo to sketch” section of Dumpr. I printed each one and enlarged them on our photocopier. Next, the students placed a blank piece of paper over their photocopy and with a sharpie, outlined their face, shoulders and features. Lastly, they used water colour paints to paint sections of their portrait. The lesson is from http://artiswhatiteach.blogspot.com.au/2010/05/6th-grade-pop-art-portraits.html. Below is an example of the 3 steps. I asked for student and parent permission before using their photograph and artwork. For some reason when I used the “Photo to Sketch” application now there was an error so I used “Sketch Artist” to give you an idea what the photo turns into. I loved how they all turned out and the students really enjoyed making their own “Pop Art Portrait”
I really like the activity you completed with your class using this tool. I think you could do this with high school students as well.
What a great way to have students engage in different steps of an art project and to include technology in art. I love the final project!
Thanks for providing an example of the three steps you used to complete the project. Way to use something from our course in your actual classroom!