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Tag Archives: Postman
Technological Determinism in The Judgement of Thamus
In this commentary, I will examine Neil Postman’s “The Judgement of Thamus” with reference to aspects of technological determinism as outlined in Daniel Chandler’s “Technological or Media Determinism”. Although I’m not a staunch technology optimist, especially during a week when … Continue reading
Tagged Commentary, Postman
The Balance Between Ways of Communicating
Biakolo argues convincingly in his paper “On the Theoretical Foundations of Orality and Literacy,” (1999), that Ong (1982), and others were less than fair in using Plato as their measuring stick for those in a literate Greek culture. He does this … Continue reading
Tagged Biakolo, Chandler, Commentary, Eduction, learning styles, literacy, Ong, orality, personalized learning, Postman, technology
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Teachnology: The Role of Teachers When Teaching with Technology
As technology changes, so do our lives. It is obvious technology changes the way we communicate, but it is also changing our culture in ways we might not realize. We are constantly making a bargain of some sort because for … Continue reading
Technology: Postman vs. a ‘Winner’
In “The Judgement of Thamus” from the book Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology, Neil Postman presents a critical view of technological changes and advances. One area that he discusses is the many of the costs or problems that … Continue reading
Tagged Commentary, Postman, school, technology
Postman as soothsayer After reading the first chapter of Technopoly many readers may view Neil Postman (1992) as a technophobe. He decries the use of computers in education, claims technology redefines words like “freedom” and “history” and that those who … Continue reading →