Monthly Archives: June 2012

What am I looking for in election?

Some thoughts about different aspects of potential outcomes in the Mongolian parliamentary election. Continue reading

Posted in Corruption, Elections, Governance, Ikh Khural 2012, Inequality, JD Democratization, Oyu Tolgoi, Party Politics, Populism | Tagged | 7 Comments

Exit Poll of Diaspora Voters

Mongolians living in Japan, Korean, the UK, and the US have organized an exit poll of voters living abroad. Continue reading

Posted in Diaspora, Elections, Ikh Khural 2012, JD Democratization, Party Politics, Politics | Tagged | Leave a comment

First-Ever Diaspora Voting

This year, Mongolians living abroad were able to vote for the first time in parliamentary elections, though their participation was hampered by a number of logistic hurdles. Continue reading

Posted in Democracy, Diaspora, Elections, Ikh Khural 2012 | Tagged | 1 Comment

Mobilizing against Dispossession: Gold Mining and a Local Resistance Movement in Mongolia

The genesis of collective action in the context of local resistance to gold mining activities in Mongolia. Continue reading

Posted in Civil Society, Environment, Environment, Environmental Movements, Mining, Mining, Research on Mongolia, River Movements, Society and Culture | Tagged | Leave a comment

Early Ideas and Reflections on the Atmosphere Surrounding the 2012 Elections

MA Asia Pacific Policy Studies student Brandon Miliate’s first election observations from Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Continue reading

Posted in Air Pollution, Corruption, Elections, Ikh Khural 2012, Inequality, Mining, Mongolian People's Party, Policy, Politics | Tagged | 1 Comment

Asia Pacific Memo 161: Bumpy Roads, but Heading in the Right Direction

Mendee Jargalsaikhan and Julian Dierkes present the glass-half-full view of the upcoming parliamentary election for Mongolian democracy. Continue reading

Posted in Asia Pacific Memo, Civil Society, Corruption, Democracy, Elections, Governance, Ikh Khural 2012, Law, Party Politics, Politics, Populism, Public Service | Tagged , | Leave a comment

The Mongolian Public Service

The challenges to a further institutionalization of the Mongolian public service are political parties, the involvement of entrepreneurs in politics, and local lobbying groups. Continue reading

Posted in Democracy, Governance, Party Politics, Politics, Public Service | Tagged | 1 Comment