June 30 Preliminary Results from GEC: First-Past-the-Post

At 12h this afternoon the General Election Commission held another press conference to update the election results, reproduced on the news.mn website.

Three candidates came in second or third, respectively, but received less than the minimum required for election (28%, according to Art. 48.4 of the election law). That means, a run-off election for that seat will have to be held. According to Art 48.6,

re-polling referred to in Article 48.4 hereof shall involve candidates with the most votes and double the number of the contested mandate(s)

When there is a single seat that is not won because no one received more than 28% of the vote, we double this single seat (the “contested mandate” in 48.6) and thus conclude that the top two recipients in the voting will be involved in a run-off. [Thanks to Enkhbold Z for pointing me in the right direction on this issue.]

Here it is in English (m=male f=female; tw marks MPs whose Twitter account I have found and listed):

1. Arkhangai
N Batbayar DP m incumb tw
B Bolor DP f new tw

2. Bayan-Olgii
A Tleikhan MPP m new
A Bakei DP m new

3. Bayankhongor
Kh Battulga DP m incumb tw
D Ganbat DP m new

4. Bulgan
Y Otgonbayar MPP m incumb tw

5. Gobi-Altai
Ts Dashdorj MPP m new

6. Dorn-Gobi
Sh Batsuur MPP m new

7. Dornod
Kh Bolorchuluun Indep f new
N Nomtoibayar MPP m new tw

8. Dund-Gobi
B Narankhuu DP m incumb tw

9. Zavkhlan
Ya Tsanjmyatav DP m new
D Oyunkhorol MPP f incumb

10. Ovorkhangai
S Chinzorig MPP m new
N Tomorkhuu MPP m new

11. Omn-Gobi
D Bat-Erdene DP m new tw

12. Sukhbaatar
M Zorigt DP m new tw

13. Selenge
S Bayartsogt DP incumb tw
J Erdenebat MPP new

14. Tov
M Enkhbold MPP m incumb tw
Su Batbold MPP m incumb

15. Uvs
Ch Khurelbaatar MPP m incumb tw
B Choijilsuren MPP m incumb

16. Khovd
S Byambatsogt MPP m incumb tw
D Batsogt MPRP m new

17. Khuvsgul
L Enkh-Amgalan MPP m new
N Davaasuren Indep m new

18. Khentii
B Bat-Erdene MPP m incumb
B Garamgaibaatar DP m new

19. Darkhan-Uul
S Ganbaatar Indep m new tw
[D Khayankhyarvaa MPP m incumb tw Note: not elected, requires run-off]

20. Orkhon
O Sodbileg MPP m new
L Tsog MPRP m new

21. Khan-Uul
Ts Oyungerel DP f new tw
Lu Bold DP m incumb tw

22. Bayanzurkh
J Batzandan DP m new tw
D Gankhuyag DP m incumb tw
B Batsorig MPP m new [Note: not elected, requires run-off]

23. Sukhbaatar
Lu Gantumur DP m incumb tw
R Amarjargal DP m incum tw

24. Bayangol
S Erdene DP m incumb
S Odontuya DP f  new tw

25. Songinokhairkhan
D Terbishdagva MPRP m incumb
L Erdenechimeg DP f new
L Erkhembayar DP m new tw [Note: not elected, requires run-off]

26. Chingeltei
G Uyanga MPRP f new
G Bayarsaikhan DP m incumb

All that would add up to DP 21, MPP 17, MPRP 4, Independent 3, with three seats unfilled awaiting a run-off election.

About Julian Dierkes

Julian Dierkes is a sociologist by training (PhD Princeton Univ) and a Mongolist by choice and passion since around 2005. He teaches in the Master of Public Policy and Global Affairs at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. He toots @jdierkes@sciences.social.
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5 Responses to June 30 Preliminary Results from GEC: First-Past-the-Post

  1. Pingback: Seat Distribution Based on June 30 Preliminary Results | Mongolia Today

  2. Dr Adam Carr says:

    Hi, I would like to be able to put constituency figures for this election my website, but I am finding the figures posted at the Election Commission website (http://www.gec.gov.mn/parliamentary_election/20) impossible to interpret. For example, I go to the first constituency, Архангай. (I can read Cyrillic, so that isn’t my problem.) I know this is a two-member seat and I know that Нямжав Батбаяр and Баярбаатар Болор were elected. But when I look at the results, I see that Батбаяр appears in two different places and that Болор doesn’t appear at all. I see a candidate Гончигдорж who polled more votes than Батбаяр but wasn’t elected. I see columns of figures that add up to over 200,000 votes, when there are only 54,000 voters in the seat. I see a list of тойрог (circles) down the left-hand margin and I don’t know what this refers to. Can someone explain this to me, either here or by email? Many thanks, Adam Carr.

    • D.Byambajav says:

      You seem to referring to the 2008 results (http://www.gec.gov.mn/parliamentary_election/10) The Election Commission website does not fully show the figures for the 2012 election. On this page http://www.gec.gov.mn/parliamentary_election/20 there are no figures, only a table with titles and sub-titles. I think it is still under construction. But I am not sure whether what I see on the website is what you referred to. Some comments on what you mentioned: Гончигдорж was elected from Arkhangai in 2008. He was elected through the party-list system in 2012. 54.000 voters may have two votes because it is a two-member district. So the total number of votes will go over the number of votes but 200.000 sounds impossible. Odd. Тойрог means electoral districts. There are 26 electoral districts of the first past the post system. Arkhangai is the 1st, Bayan-Ulgii is the 2nd and etc.

      • Dr Adam Carr says:

        Thanks for your reply. That would explain my confusion. Are there no constituency figures for 2012 yet available at the GEC website? Or anywhere else?

  3. D.Byambajav says:

    I couldn’t find any figures at the GEC website, too. Constituency figures were mentioned during a press conference where the GEC presented the final results. I hope that they will upload it soon.

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