Mongolian Pop Culture: Live from UB

Lauren Knapp recently sent us this description of her project on contemporary Mongolian music:

Documentary filmmaker, Lauren Knapp spent most of 2012 living in Ulaanbaatar attending just about every rock concert she could. She was researching and filming her forthcoming documentary film, LIVE FROM UB, which is currently in post-production.

The film explores how Mongolia’s newest generation of music makers is developing a new sound that is modern, international, and uniquely Mongolian. She followed several bands whose efforts to have their music recognized on the global stage mirror the nation’s current political and economic desires. The bands in LIVE FROM UB want to be players in the global cultural marketplace, but they want to do it in a way that celebrates their own Mongolian heritage.

Altan Urag was one of the trendsetters, well-known for their folk-rock fusion and composing the soundtrack for the acclaimed Chinggis Khano biopic, Mongol, But they are hardly the last. New groups like the young rock band with punk tendencies, Mohanik, or even pop singer Bold are now exploring their Mongolian heritage through music.

In addition to following Mongolia’s contemporary rock scene, LIVE FROM UB features interviews with Mongolian rock legends and experts on Mongolian culture and politics such as Jack Weatherford and the former U.S. Amabassador to Mongolia, Jonathan Addleton.

Watch the trailer

Live From UB: Trailer from Lauren Knapp on Vimeo.

To learn more about LIVE FROM UB and how you can support it, click here.

About Julian Dierkes

Julian Dierkes is a sociologist by training (PhD Princeton Univ) and a Mongolist by choice and passion since around 2005. He teaches in the Master of Public Policy and Global Affairs at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. He toots
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