ICF Workshop “State’s Role in Large Resource Projects”

Co-organized and co-hosted by

International Cooperation Fund
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Government of Mongolia

Canadian International Resources and Development Institute

May 16, 2016, Monday

“State Participation in Mining: Global Trends and Perspectives” Matthew Genasci, Mining Policy Group LLC

Panel One: Political and Executive Perspectives

H.E. R. Amarjargal, Member of Parliament, State Great Hural of Mongolia

H.E. S. Oyun, Member of Parliament, State Great Hural of Mongolia

Panel Two: Perspectives of the Executives and Operators

Ch. Otgochuluu, Chief Economist, Erdenes Mongol LLC

D. Galbaatar, Deputy Director, Erdenet Mining Corporation

M. Otgonbayar, CEO, Baganuur JSC

M. Bayanmunkh, Director, Strategic Policy and Planning Department, Ministry of                                                     Mining

Panel Three: Participating Countries’ Presentations

Masouma Zargar, Senior Policy and Program Adviser,
Ministry of Mines and Petroleum, the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

Boobekov Kudaimende, Head of Subsoil Protection and Mining Industry Office of State Agency of Geology and Mineral Resource, the Kyrgyz Republic

Abdrakhmanov Sagynbek, Vice President, Kyrgyzaltyn JSC

Vongthong Thimahaxay, Assistant Director of Mines Safety, Health and Environment Division, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic

Kyaw Zin Oo, Assistant General Manager, No. 1 Mining Enterprise, the Republic of the Union of Myanmar

Zarni Myint Maung, Metallurgical Assistant, No. 2 Mining Enterprise, the Republic of the Union of Myanmar

May 17, 2016, Tuesday

 “State Participation in Mining: Economics and Alternatives” Matthew Genasci, Mining Policy Group LLC

Panel Four: Perspectives of Private Industry

N. Algaa, President of Mongolian National Mining Associations

G. Battsengel, CEO, Energy Resources LLC

Dr. D. Bat-Erdene, Board Member, Mongolian Society of Economic Geologists

M. Tulgat, Khishig Arvin LLC

“Findings of the Corporate Governance Study on the Mongolian SOEs” D. Bailikhuu, Advisor to Prime Minister on Privatization and Restructuring

Panel Five: Perspectives of Civil Society

N. Dorjdari, Mongolia Country Coordinator, NGRI

D. Erdenechimeg, Manager for Governance Program, Open Society Forum

B. Tuvshintugs, Director, Economic Research Institute, National University of Mongolia

Dr. M. Dagva, General Director, QMC LLC

About Julian Dierkes

Julian Dierkes is a sociologist by training (PhD Princeton Univ) and a Mongolist by choice and passion since around 2005. He teaches in the Master of Public Policy and Global Affairs at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. He toots @jdierkes@sciences.social.
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