Category Archives: Erdenet

Observing Election Day: Erdenet City

By Benjamin Nuland and Marissa J. Smith In the week leading up to election day on June 28, Julian and Benjamin observed 10 polling stations in constituency 4 (Khuvsgul, Bulgan, and Orkhon aimags), traveling from Murun to Bulgan to interview … Continue reading

Posted in Benjamin Nuland, Elections, Erdenet, Ikh Khural 2024 | Tagged | Leave a comment

It is not about OT, it is the Power Politics

By Mendee Jargalsaikhan The Mongolian anti-corruption agency, known as the Independent Authority Against Corruption (IAAC), arrested former Prime Ministers Bayar and Saikhanbileg, Finance Minister/MP Bayartsogt, and several other former executives.  The Mongolian politics is presenting similar patterns of other East Asian … Continue reading

Posted in Corruption, Economics, Erdenet, Judiciary, Oyu Tolgoi | Tagged | 1 Comment

Mongolia at Davos 2018: Party like it’s 2009?

By Marissa Smith In recent years, Mongolia has regularly sent a delegation to the World Economic Forum at Davos. This year was somewhat less eventful than some years, when President Elbegdorj himself attended and presided over a “Mongolia Night” and … Continue reading

Posted in China, Development, Economics, Environment, Environment, Erdenet, Foreign Policy, Infrastructure, International Cooperation Fund, International Relations, Mining, Mining, Mining Governance, Mongolia and ..., Oyu Tolgoi, Policy, Politics, South Korea | Tagged | Leave a comment

Beyond “Populism without Party Platforms”: Mongolians’ Politics Beyond Ulaanbaatar

By Marissa Smith The campaign and election of the rough-voiced businessman-judoka Kh. Battulga to the presidency of Mongolia has elicited comparisons to Donald Trump and gestures to a global wave of “populism” from analysts and commentators, journalistic as well as … Continue reading

Posted in Countryside, Democratic Party, Demography, Elections, Erdenet, Kazakhs, Marissa Smith, Mongolian Diaspora, Mongolian People's Party, Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party, Populism, Presidential 2017 | Tagged | Leave a comment

Guest Post: Erdenet Update 100%, Again Contested

By Marissa Smith At the close of the fall session of the Ikh Khural, Mongolia’s Parliament, the body voted to invalidate the sale of the 49% shares of Erdenet carried out in summer 2016, which transferred the ownership of the … Continue reading

Posted in Corruption, Erdenet, Marissa Smith, Mining, Mining, Mining Governance, Policy, Politics | 3 Comments

Guest Post: Label of Erdenet ‘Nationalization’ Misleading

By Marissa Smith Many Fear Mongolian Government Decision Heralds Another Privatization, Securing of the Status Quo Possible Last week during an extra session after the final day of its fall session, Mongolia’s Parliament voted that the state acquire the share … Continue reading

Posted in Business, Corruption, Erdenet, Marissa Smith, Mining, Mining Governance, Policy | 21 Comments

The Nationalization of Erdenet Copper – Challenges for SOEs

By Mendee J At a recent Standing Committee hearing, Ts. Nyamdorj, Vice Speaker of the Mongolian Parliament asked to meet with the new shareholders of the Erdenet Mining Corporation, especially the secret boss (link). The deal, which saw 49% of … Continue reading

Posted in Corruption, Erdenet, Mendee Jargalsaikhan, Mining, Mining Governance | Tagged | Leave a comment

Speculation Surrounding Erdenet Sale

By Julian Dierkes A Massive Privatization Coup Right Before an Election? It seemed odd that there was an announcement just before the June 29 election that the 49% portion of the longtime engine of Mongolian development, Erdenet mine, that was … Continue reading

Posted in Corruption, Erdenet, Ikh Khural 2016, Mining, Mining Governance, Policy | Tagged | 7 Comments

Guest Post: Questions about Purchase of Erdenet Mining

Note: I am unable to corroborate what Lkhagva is reporting here, but a) I know him to be a committed investigative journalist, and b) this is a potentially important story given the significance of the Erdenet mine to Mongolia, not … Continue reading

Posted in Erdenet, Ikh Khural 2016, Lkhagva Erdene, Mining, Mining Governance, Russia | Tagged | Leave a comment

ICF Workshop “State’s Role in Large Resource Projects”

Co-organized and co-hosted by International Cooperation Fund Ministry of Foreign Affairs Government of Mongolia Canadian International Resources and Development Institute Int’l Cooperation Fund(ICF) & @CIIEID_ICIIED co-organize workshop on “The State’s Role in Large Resource Projects”. — MFA Mongolia (@MFA_Mongolia) … Continue reading

Posted in Canada, CIRDI, Erdenet, Governance, International Cooperation Fund, Mining, Mining, Mining Governance | Leave a comment

Mining Governance: Learning from Erdenet

By Mendee J As Mongolia struggles to make deals over giant mining projects like Oyu Tolgoi and Tavan Tolgoi, the country’s politicians, economists, mining professionals, and the public refer to Erdenet, the Mongolian-Russian joint copper and molybdenum factory, arguing whether or not lessons of  Erdenet would … Continue reading

Posted in CIRDI, Erdenet, Governance, Mining, Mining Governance | Tagged | 4 Comments

Guest Post: Mongolian “Resource Nationalism”

Marissa Smith unpacks the notion of “resource nationalism” in Mongolia Continue reading

Posted in Development, Erdenet, Ikh Khural 2012, Marissa Smith, Mining, Nationalism, Oyu Tolgoi, Policy, Politics, Social Issues | 7 Comments