Category Archives: Inflation

Oyun-Erdene Cabinet, Version 01/2023

By Marissa J. Smith A cabinet reshuffle has opened the new year of 2023, in the wake of a December marked by large demonstrations that climaxed with an attempted storming of the Government Building. A major focus of these demonstrations … Continue reading

Posted in Government, Inequality, Inflation, Mining Governance, Mongolian People's Party, Party Politics, Politics, Populism, Tavan Tolgoi, Youth | Leave a comment

Guest Post: Mongolia 2016 – Will there be light at the end of the tunnel?

By Stefan Hanselmann If the development of the last quarter of 2015 can serve as an indicator, we can eventually expect for next year some real light at the end of the tunnel. Unfortunately, Mongolia had to learn the hard … Continue reading

Posted in Bilateral Aid, Business, Development, Diversification, Economics, Foreign Investment, Ikh Khural 2016, Inflation, Mining, Oyu Tolgoi, Policy, Politics, Stefan Hanselmann | Leave a comment

Feeling (Politically) Pessimistic for Coming Year

By Julian Dierkes It is Tsagaan Sar, so happy new year to all of Mongolia and to Mongolians! Сар шинэдээ сайхан шинэлээрэй What will the year of the sheep bring? The sheep Gestalt (зурхай) seems to expect a windy Spring and … Continue reading

Posted in Constitution, Democracy, Democratic Party, Economics, Elections, Foreign Investment, Governance, Ikh Khural 2016, Inflation, JD Democratization, JD Mining Governance, Mongolian People's Party, Oyu Tolgoi, Party Politics, Policy, Politics, Populism, Security Apparatus | Tagged | 2 Comments

Solutions to the Current Economic Crisis?

Previously, I have written about economic and political aspects of the challenges currently facing Mongolia. Right now, the economic situation seems a bit like a “wicked problem” or a quagmire, and I see relatively little cause for short-term optimism, but … Continue reading

Posted in Business, Development, Economics, Foreign Investment, Governance, Inflation, JD Mining Governance, Mining, Mining, Policy, Politics | Tagged | 2 Comments

Politics During the Current Economic Crisis

There is no political crisis in the sense of any conflict within parliament or between parliament and the president. Nor are there major scandals at the moment. However, there does appear to be a crisis in the sense of the … Continue reading

Posted in Business, Development, Economics, Foreign Investment, Governance, Inflation, Mining, Mining, Oyu Tolgoi, Party Politics, Policy, Politics | Tagged | Leave a comment

Anatomy of the Current Economic Crisis

Having spent last week in Ulaanbaatar, it is clear to me that the current crisis is a) more severe than I had thought, and b) more real/less perceived than I had thought. Below, I try to list elements in this … Continue reading

Posted in Business, China, Corruption, Development, Economics, Foreign Investment, Governance, Inflation, JD Mining Governance, Mining, Oyu Tolgoi, Policy, Politics | Tagged | 3 Comments

Mongolia FAQ: Presentations Summaries and Video Record

Listing of presentations at recent “Mongolia FAQ” panel presentation with links to summaries and (forthcoming) video record. Continue reading

Posted in Canada, China, Civil Society, Economics, Elections, Environment, Environment, Environmental Movements, Events, FAQ Mongolia Dec 16 2011, Governance, Inflation, Media and Press, Mining, Mining, Mongolia and ..., Policy, Policy, Politics, Regulation, Research on Mongolia, River Movements, Social Issues | Tagged | Leave a comment

Presentation Summary: The Threat of Inflation

At a December 16, 2011 panel presentation “Mongolia FAQ” BOLOR Naranhuu discusses the threat of inflation in Mongolia’s rapidly developing resource economy. Continue reading

Posted in Economics, FAQ Mongolia Dec 16 2011, Inflation, Policy | 3 Comments