Category Archives: Foreign Policy

Mongolia-Australia Relation

Mongolia and Australia are marking the 40th anniversary of bilateral relations. In quite similar time frame with Canada, Australia, as another middle power, reached out Mongolia.  Today bilateral relation has been expanded as a result of the Australian well-targeted educational … Continue reading

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Mongolia’s Quest for a Third Neighbor: European Union

Over last two decades, Mongolia is making sustained effort to deepen its ties with the European Union. Just adding a recent piece on Mongolia and EU relations.

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Mongolia and Shanghai Cooperation Organization

Mongolia’s non-membership stance towards the Shanghai Cooperation Organization indicates the organization’s incomplete regional representation in Inner Asia. Just adding a recent piece on Mongolia and Shanghai Cooperation Organization: “Factoring Mongolia’s non-Membership In the Shanghai Cooperation Organization” Voices from Central Asia, … Continue reading

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Economy, Security and Democracy – China, Russia, and US

A few days back, Stephen Noerper wrote a commentary – capturing a historic little known visit by the Vice President Biden. But, I like to rewind it a few months back.  A number of visits by Mongolian officials to its … Continue reading

Posted in China, Foreign Policy, International Relations, Politics, Russia, United States | Tagged | Leave a comment