Category Archives: Mongolia and …

Asia Pacific Memo on the Impact of the Xinhai Revolution on Mongolia

How Tibet and Mongolia declared their independence following the Xinhai Revolution. Continue reading

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Canada-Mongolia Roundtable

The biennial Canada-Mongolia Roundtable as the main regular bilateral meeting is occurring on September 9 in Ottawa. Continue reading

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Tono Contemporary Dance

Performance of “Tono” by Red Sky coming to Ulaanbaatar. Continue reading

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Economy, Security and Democracy – China, Russia, and US

A few days back, Stephen Noerper wrote a commentary – capturing a historic little known visit by the Vice President Biden. But, I like to rewind it a few months back.  A number of visits by Mongolian officials to its … Continue reading

Posted in China, Foreign Policy, International Relations, Politics, Russia, United States | Tagged | Leave a comment

How do Japanese view Mongolia?

An interesting article written by Kunio Minato (JGSS Research Center). JGSS-2006 から見た日本におけるモンゴル国の好感度 -東アジア各国・地域との比較検討- (日本版総合的社会調査共同研究拠点 研究論文集[9] JGSS Research Series No.6) Abstract Favorability of Mongolia in Japan Seen From JGSS-2006: Comparison With East Asian Countries/Region Relationship between Japan and Mongolia has been … Continue reading

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Anti-Chinese Attitudes in Post-Communist Mongolia

M.A. thesis argues that Mongolian anti-Chinese attitudes are rooted in state-socialist portrayals of China from the 1960s to the 1980s. Continue reading

Posted in China, Nationalism, Social Issues, Society and Culture | Tagged | 2 Comments