Category Archives: Mining

All is well in Mongolia?

Yes, the Investment Agreement for Oyu Tolgoi will not be re-opened, but that’s no surprise, and doesn’t put an end to turmoil. Continue reading

Posted in International Agreements, JD Mining Governance, Mining, Oyu Tolgoi, Politics, Research on Mongolia | Tagged | 1 Comment

Consensus on OT?

Mongolian executive united on supporting Oyu Tolgoi Investment Agreement. Continue reading

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No Stable Anti-Mining Coalition

By Julian Dierkes Today, I published an Asia Pacific Memo that argued that no stable anti-mining coalition has coalesced in Mongolia to support or advance the recent petition asking the government to open negotiations with Oyu Tolgoi to increase the … Continue reading

Posted in Asia Pacific Memo, Democracy, International Agreements, JD Mining Governance, Mining, Oyu Tolgoi, Party Politics, Politics, Research on Mongolia | Tagged | 3 Comments

OT: In Danger of Becoming A Hostage in Domestic Politics, Again

In 2005, Ivanhoe’s Robert Friedland’s infamous statement about the huge profits to be made in Mongolia at an investor conference in Florida delayed his deal with the Government of Mongolia over one of the biggest copper deposits in the world, … Continue reading

Posted in Mining, Oyu Tolgoi, Politics | Tagged | 4 Comments

MPs Petition to Renegotiate OT Agreement

Translation of the petition of 20 Mongolian MPs to their government demanding that negotiations to raise the government stake in the giant Oyu Tolgoi project be initiated. Continue reading

Posted in Foreign Investment, International Agreements, JD Mining Governance, Mining, Oyu Tolgoi, Politics, Research on Mongolia | Tagged | 5 Comments