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Author Archives: fotopasion
Digital Photography by Boon & Velasquez–ETEC 540 64B, November 24th, 2013
Hi, Here is our collaborative project on Digital Photography: Stacey & Jose
Posted in Final Project
Tagged camera, digital, lens, literacy, materiality, multi-modal, multilieracies, photograph, photography, pictures, print, social, technology, theory, visual, visual-literacy, web, websites
Rip.Mix.Feed by Velasquez For some reason I’m getting a parsing error when I try to embed the video, so you’ll have to use the link. What motivated you to explore the appliction(s) you used? I have used Blabberize before, and there is … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
The Telegraph
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, people of all ages, I hereby present to you The Telegraph. May you find in it a kernel of wisdom, and a tinge of joy, and not a root of disappointment! The internet’s grand-daddy … Continue reading
Posted in Research Paper
Tagged animal, bike, cables, chappe, communication, cooke, fast, french revolution, horse, invention, morse, notes, pigeon, pneumatic, post, remediation, research paper, semaphore, signalling, system, telegrams, telegraph, transatlantic, wheatstone
Text, technology, and representations/expressions…
As a photographer this was not a fun assignment because it required me to disengage my creative mind and settle for whatever I could find that was “good enough”. I had another image in mind, but copyright restrictions prevented me … Continue reading
Posted in Introductions
Tagged culture, introduction, knowledge, modalities, reading, school, speaking, technology, text, wisdom, writing
1 Comment
What libraries may come are yet untold…
O’Donnell envisions a virtual library that “will be just like the past only better and faster” (1994) because of the technological possibilities of our time. However, he is also careful to point out that the “virtual library” (i.e. a universal … Continue reading →