Author Archives: troymoore

About troymoore

Librarian/Teacher at Correlieu Secondary School.

Connections of a Selfie

About two weeks ago, the people of Oxford Dictionary named ‘selfie’ as the word of the year. I think in one moment it encapsulated the journey of this course. Hear me out. We started way back when with Walter Ong, … Continue reading

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The Rip.Mix.Feed. I chose was Storify. The reason I chose Storify was it proclaims to be a program with the ability to weave and keep social media links and stories together. I know from my use of Twitter that a … Continue reading

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The Printing Press and Impacts

The following is a video on the impact of Johannes Gutenberg’s Printing Press. It outlines a brief description of printing and movable type, and then discusses the impact of the press in three areas: the expansion of literacy, the consistency … Continue reading

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The Library of Alexandria

As a librarian, I am continuously forced to go through a process known as weeding. Old books, which are outdated (encyclopaedias have a lifespan of five years), are removed from shelves due to space issues. That space used to be … Continue reading

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Hello peers, colleagues, and other general ne’er do wells, The image I chose was the evolution of the computer. The reason I chose this is because, in my belief, everything evolves. Text and technology evolve simultaneously. As technology evolves so … Continue reading

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