Category Archives: Foreign Policy

Digital Diplomacy tied to ASEM

By Julian Dierkes Some weeks ago I wrote about the potential for a Mongolian digital diplomacy. That post generated a lot of interest (over 500 readers in less than 2 months). The tweet about this post was my most-viewed tweet … Continue reading

Posted in Digital Diplomacy, Foreign Policy, International Relations, Mongolia and ..., Social Media | Tagged | Leave a comment

The Many Habits of Successful Mongolian Digital Diplomats

I wrote “The Way Forward for Canadian Digital Diplomacy” for Canada’s The Embassy on November 18, 2015. I followed this up with a list of more specific about steps that Global Affairs Canada might take in developing Twiplomacy if this direction … Continue reading

Posted in Digital Diplomacy, Foreign Policy, International Relations, Mongolia and ..., Social Media | Tagged | 1 Comment

Thoughts on Constitutional Reform

By Julian Dierkes I am not a constitutional scholar. My observations on the constitutional reform proposals that are being considered by the Mongolian parliament are thus based on my understanding of Mongolian politics on the one hand, and my experience of … Continue reading

Posted in Aimags, Constitution, Democracy, Foreign Policy, Governance, JD Democratization, Politics | Tagged | 3 Comments

Permanent Neutrality

At the UN General Assembly, on Sept 29 2015, Pres. Ts Elbegdorj included a very brief statement in his address that, Mongolia has pursued an peaceful, open, multi-pillar foreign policy. This stance enabled us to declare Mongolia in a state … Continue reading

Posted in China, Foreign Policy, Military, Mongolia and ..., Russia, UN | Tagged , | Leave a comment

Graduates of Archery 100 in Mongolia

Presenting graduates of the Archery 100 course in Mongolia Russian President Dmitry Medvedev in 2009 (source link) Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2014 (source link) Finnish President Tarja Halonen in 2011 (source link) The US Vice President Joe Biden in 2011 … Continue reading

Posted in Curios, Foreign Policy | Tagged | 3 Comments

Modigolia? Indian-Mongolian Relations post-PM Modi’s Trip to Ulaanbaatar

In the wake of Indian PM Narendra Modi’s visit to Ulaanbaatar should we expect a radical revamping of Indian-Mongolian relations? Certainly, you don’t send in the big dogs unless you mean business, right? The Visit Modi visited Mongolia on the … Continue reading

Posted in Foreign Policy, India, International Relations, Mongolia and ... | Tagged | Leave a comment

Outlook: Freedom Online Coalition Conference in Ulaanbaatar

[For my impressions from the Conference, see] Next week (May 4-5) the Mongolian government hosts the annual conference of the Freedom Online Coalition, a club of 26 countries dedicated to the promotion of, er, freedom online. This is yet another … Continue reading

Posted in Canada, Civil Society, Foreign Policy, International Relations, Law, Media and Press, Mongolia and ..., Social Media | Tagged | Leave a comment

A Potential Breakthrough in Mongolia’s Relations With North and South Korea

By Mendee Jargalsaikhan Mongolia takes a resolutely middle road when it comes to North and South Korea. It values its long-standing relations with the North while developing its newly-declared strategic partnership with the South. Due to its geographic location, wedged … Continue reading

Posted in Eurasia Daily Monitor, Foreign Policy, International Relations, Mongolia and ..., North Korea, South Korea, Ulaanbaatar Dialogue | Tagged | Leave a comment

A Personal Wishlist for the Saikhanbileg Government

By Julian Dierkes As we’re anticipating a cabinet to be formed under PM Saikhabileg and it now seems likely that a grand coalition (DP + MPP) or a super coalition (DP + MPP + Justice Coalition + CWGP) or some … Continue reading

Posted in Constitution, Corruption, Democracy, Foreign Policy, Higher Education, JD Democratization, JD Mining Governance, Oyu Tolgoi, Party Politics, Politics, Social Issues | Tagged | Leave a comment

Mongolia – From Sino-Russian Buffer to Conversion Zone

Last autumn, Presidents Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin made separate visits to Mongolia, met for a tri-lateral (Russia-China-Mongolia) summit in the Tajikistan capital of Dushanbe during the leadership summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), and dispatched their vice-foreign ministers … Continue reading

Posted in Asia Pacific Memo, China, Foreign Policy, Mongolia and ..., Russia | Tagged | Leave a comment

Progress on Oyu Tolgoi?

By Julian Dierkes The Mongolian government has been battling a homemade economic crisis for some two years now. It has been a largely self-inflicted crisis brought on by some hasty policy decisions regarding investments that have led to a massive … Continue reading

Posted in China, Foreign Investment, Foreign Policy, Mining, Mining, Oyu Tolgoi, Policy, Russia | Tagged | Leave a comment

Appreciating the Work of the Canadian Embassy

I am not even Canadian, and I don’t work for the Canadian or for the Mongolian government for that matter, though they are obviously important interlocutors for me given my interest in economic, political, and social development in Mongolia. Yet, … Continue reading

Posted in Bilateral Aid, Canada, Foreign Policy, Governor General's Visit 2013 | Tagged | 2 Comments

Caveats for the Mongolia-China Strategic Partnership

China and Mongolia upgraded their bilateral relationship to a Strategic Partnership in 2011. Last year, both countries agreed to the implementation of a detailed action plan to strengthen their strategic partnership in the five specific areas of politics, security, the … Continue reading

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DFATD Announcement of FM Baird Visit

On July 22 the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development confirmed previous reporting in the Mongolia press that Foreign Minister Baird will be visiting Mongolia later this week: In his first trip to Mongolia, Baird will discuss the … Continue reading

Posted in Bilateral Aid, Canada, Development, Foreign Investment, Foreign Policy, International Relations | Tagged | Leave a comment

FM Baird to Visit Mongolia

According to Mongolian news sources ( 24 Tsag |, Canadian Foreign Minister John Baird will be visiting Ulaanbaatar July 23-25. There’s no official Canadian announcement as of July 20, but let’s assume that this visit is really happening, after … Continue reading

Posted in Bilateral Aid, Business, Canada, Diaspora, Foreign Policy, International Agreements, International Relations, Mongolia and ... | Tagged | Leave a comment