Category Archives: Elections

Republished: Mongolia – An Unexpected Bastion of Democracy Thanks to Its Youth

A child walks past Mongolians holding up banners at a protest against offshore account holders in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, in March. (AP Photo/Ganbat Namjilsangarav) Julian Dierkes, University of British Columbia By some accounts, democracy is under pressure. Freedom House, the American … Continue reading

Posted in Populism, Presidential 2017 | Tagged | Leave a comment

Who Abstained in the Run-Off?

By Julian Dierkes On the day before the second round of the presidential election, my biggest question was about the movement to encourage voters to submit blank ballots, essentialy voting none-of-the-above. We have known since election night that just under … Continue reading

Posted in Gobi, Presidential 2017 | Tagged | Leave a comment

Reflection on Second Round [Video]

By Julian Dierkes With the second round of the presidential election on July 7, the “election season” has come to an end and I summarize its result in this brief video. Obviously, our attention now turns to what the future … Continue reading

Posted in Elections, Governance, Party Politics, Politics, Presidential 2017, Video | Tagged | Leave a comment

Big Questions on Voting Day

By Julian Dierkes The run-off in the 2017 presidential contest is upon us. Since June 26 there has been no campaigning, but a number of developments with a likely impact on the run-off result have occurred. 1. White Ballot Movement … Continue reading

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Women Run Mongolian Elections, But They Don’t Run In Them

By Julian Dierkes When you go to vote in Mongolia, look around in the polling station. Like so many (government) offices, the polling stations are run by women. Yes, every once in a while, there will be a man as … Continue reading

Posted in Elections, Gender, JD Democratization, Presidential 2017, Social Issues | Tagged | Leave a comment

I Don’t Understand the Calculations Behind Electoral Fraud

By Julian Dierkes I was shocked during election observation on June 26, again, how much of a contrast there is between the diligence and care with which polling stations and voting procedures are run, and the public perception of the … Continue reading

Posted in Elections, JD Democratization, Presidential 2017 | Tagged | Leave a comment

The Mechanics of a Blank Ballot

By Julian Dierkes First, the presidential election campaign was sleepy. Then it turned sleezy. Now, things got exciting because some Mongolians seem to have found a strategy to fight back against two-party dominance and the “offer” of a choice of … Continue reading

Posted in Governance, JD Democratization, Presidential 2017, Social Movements | Tagged | 1 Comment

Ganbaatar Voters in 2nd Round

By Julian Dierkes Ganbaatar received roughly 30% of the votes in the June 26 presidential election. One of the big questions about the July 7 2nd Round of voting is thus whom those Ganbaatar voters will support. Enkhbayar Negotiations To … Continue reading

Posted in Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party, Presidential 2017 | Tagged | Leave a comment

Observations during Presidential Polling

By Julian Dierkes From the perspective of a repeat election observer (this was my fifth national election for which I served as an international observer), the reporting about the election is always somewhat challenging. On the one hand, I gain … Continue reading

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Gobi Success for Ganbaatar

By Julian Dierkes The electoral map from Monday’s results holds a number of surprises. One of the more puzzling ones is Ganbaatar’s strong results across the Gobi region. Umnugovi For example, in Umnugovi fully 43% of voters supported Ganbaatar on … Continue reading

Posted in Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party, Presidential 2017 | Tagged | 4 Comments

Presidential Elections: 3 Things Happened

By Julian Dierkes The results of the June 26 presidential election has come as a big surprise. I did not expect Battulga to win and certainly did not expect Enkhbold to struggle to finish 2nd. Lots of questions to think … Continue reading

Posted in JD Democratization, Presidential 2017 | Tagged | 5 Comments

Presidential Debate or FAQ?

By Mendee The presidential campaign closed with a two-hour debate on June 24.  Under the agreement between the DP, MPP, and MPRP for the debate, candidates were basically provided opportunities to express their views on frequently rumoured allegations during the … Continue reading

Posted in Corruption, Foreign Policy, Military, Presidential 2017 | Tagged | Leave a comment

Reflection on Campaign & Outlook [Video]

By Julian Dierkes If you’re tired of all our blog post or of my convoluted prose, here’s a 2-minute wrap-up of the presidential campaign and a little bit of an outlook.

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More Feeling in DP Campaign

By Julian Dierkes After earlier reports on Ganbaatar events and today’s impressions from a final Enkbold event, I just saw the Battulga rally on Sukhbaatar Square a little while ago. A couple of days ago, I had written an article … Continue reading

Posted in Democratic Party, Presidential 2017 | Tagged | Leave a comment

MPP Campaign Feeling – Or Not

By Julian Dierkes Thanks to an invitation organized by some long-time friends, I was able to attend M Enkhbold’s speech to party faithful that seems to have been one of the last events of the campaign for the MPP. Always … Continue reading

Posted in Mongolian People's Party, Presidential 2017 | Tagged | Leave a comment