Category Archives: Ulaanbaatar

Community of Democracies

Canadian engagement and Mongolian democracy on the eve of the ministerial conference of the Community of Democracies. Continue reading

Posted in Bilateral Aid, Canada, Democracy, Development, Foreign Policy, International Relations, Ulaanbaatar | Tagged | Leave a comment

Democratic Party wins big in Ulaanbaatar City Council Election

Results of the Ulaanbaatar city council election. Continue reading

Posted in Elections, Party Politics, Ulaanbaatar | Tagged | Leave a comment

You can observe elections directly

You can observe elections of city districts live – choose districts, then observe any voting stations – Direct Observation.

Posted in Elections, Politics, Ulaanbaatar | Tagged | 3 Comments

The Significance of the Ulaanbaatar City Council Election

The city council election in Ulaanbaatar has gained in significance with its concurrent date with the national election. Continue reading

Posted in Democracy, Democratic Party, Elections, Ikh Khural 2012, Mongolian People's Party, Ulaanbaatar | Tagged | 1 Comment

Impressions for the DP Rally in Yarmag

Julian and I have just returned from the Democratic Party Rally in Yarmag, Han-Uul District where the party’s two Parliamentary candidates L. Bold and Ts. Oyungerel as well as E. Bat-Uul, running for UB Parliament, made speeches in support of … Continue reading

Posted in China, Corruption, Democracy, Democratic Party, Elections, Ikh Khural 2012, Mongolia and ..., Party Politics, Politics, Ulaanbaatar | Tagged | 1 Comment

Mongolia Lecture Series: Christa Hasenkopf “Clearing the air: The story of the pollution crisis in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia”

Dr. Christa Hasenkopf presents her research on air pollution in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia in UBC’s Mongolia Lecture Series. Continue reading

Posted in Air Pollution, Environment, Events, Research on Mongolia, UBC Mongolia Lecture Series, Ulaanbaatar | Tagged | 2 Comments

Mongolia Presentation at AAAS: Christa Hasenkopf “Science Communication on a Shoestring”

Christa Hasenkopf will be presenting her research on air pollution in Ulaanbaatar at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Vancouver on February 19, 2012. Continue reading

Posted in Air Pollution, Environment, Research on Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar | Leave a comment

Changes in Ulaanbaatar’s Cityscape

More parks, some curious changes in Ulaanbaatar’s cityscape 2011. Continue reading

Posted in Change, Ulaanbaatar | Tagged | 1 Comment

Mongolia Connected

Some observations about connectivity in Mongolia based on the recently released census. Continue reading

Posted in Population, Society and Culture, Ulaanbaatar | Tagged | Leave a comment

Air pollution in Ulaanbaatar reaches alarming levels

An article published by Canadian and Mongolian researchers last week argues that nearly 10 percent of Ulaanbaatar city’s total mortality are attributable to outdoor air pollution. The article shows that a major source of air pollution in the city is … Continue reading

Posted in Air Pollution, Environment, Health, Social Issues, Ulaanbaatar | Tagged | Leave a comment

Arriving in Ulaanbaatar (Again)

August arrival in Ulaanbaatar. Continue reading

Posted in Change, Tourism, Ulaanbaatar | Tagged | Leave a comment