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Monthly Archives: October 2013
The Invention of Radio
History When radio was invented, its primary use was for communication between people that were usually great distances apart. Early uses for radio were limited to military and marine communication in the early 1900’s. The actual inventor of the radio … Continue reading
Posted in Research Paper
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The Overhead Projector: how it bowled its way into the classroom
Many students who have been educated in North American classrooms during the latter half of the 20th century have experienced lessons taught by teachers using overhead projectors. I vividly recall such lessons taught in my elementary and high school classrooms, … Continue reading
The Rise of the Novel and the Agency of Change
Alphonse de Lamartine stated, “France was bored” and with these words he perfectly encapsulated the impact of the novel. The printing press had created the ability to transmit text at a rate not possible before, however the novel took this … Continue reading
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The Rise of the Graphic Novel in North America
The Rise of the Graphic Novel Hello all, This is the link to my presentation on the Rise of the Graphic Novel in North America. My final project will build on this research. My hope is to develop this in … Continue reading
The Invention of Paper in China
Hello all, Here is my investigation into one area of literacy development. Please feel free to peruse my Prezi and let me know what you think. Cheers, Rebecca
Posted in Research Paper
1 Comment
The Rise of the Penny Newspaper
Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Please read The Penny Newspaper – hot off the press! And for your viewing pleasure, catch the latest episode of “Talk Show Time Machine – The Penny Newspaper”. Brought to you by: Steve Holmberg, … Continue reading
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Radio to Television By Andrew C Lemon and Grant Sorensen To give context and foundation to this paper we will start with an overview of the history of radio and television. We will briefly discuss whether television has replaced radio … Continue reading
Posted in Research Paper
Tagged assignment 3, literacy, orality, radio, secondary, television
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The Telegraph
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, people of all ages, I hereby present to you The Telegraph. May you find in it a kernel of wisdom, and a tinge of joy, and not a root of disappointment! The internet’s grand-daddy … Continue reading
Posted in Research Paper
Tagged animal, bike, cables, chappe, communication, cooke, fast, french revolution, horse, invention, morse, notes, pigeon, pneumatic, post, remediation, research paper, semaphore, signalling, system, telegrams, telegraph, transatlantic, wheatstone
The Printing Press and Impacts
The following is a video on the impact of Johannes Gutenberg’s Printing Press. It outlines a brief description of printing and movable type, and then discusses the impact of the press in three areas: the expansion of literacy, the consistency … Continue reading →