June 30 Preliminary Results II from GEC: First-Past-the-Post

Yesterday, I posted results that were based on a news.mn website that reproduced results announced by the General Election Commission at noon. I was later accused on Twitter to be using wrong information, but neither of the accusers bothered to point me to the right information, unfortunately. As I looked on-line this morning, the page that I based yesterday’s calculations on has disappeared and a new page has appeared in its stead on the news.mn website.

Below I am offering the results based on that new page.

Two candidates came in second or third, respectively, but received less than the minimum required for election (28%, according to Art. 48.4 of the election law). Batzorig for the MPP in 22 – Bayanzurkh, and Erkhembayar for the DP in 26 – Songinokhairkhan. That means, a run-off election for those seats will have to be held. According to Art 48.6,

re-polling referred to in Article 48.4 hereof shall involve candidates with the most votes and double the number of the contested mandate(s)

When there is a single seat that is not won because no one received more than 28% of the vote, we double this single seat (the “contested mandate” in 48.6) and thus conclude that the top two recipients in the voting will be involved in a run-off. [Thanks to Enkhbold Z for pointing me in the right direction on this issue.]

Here it is in English (m=male f=female; tw marks MPs whose Twitter account I have found and listed):

1. Arkhangai
N Batbayar DP m incumb tw
B Bolor DP m new tw

2. Bayan-Olgii
A Telekhan MPP m new
A Bakei DP m new

3. Bayankhongor
Kh Battulga DP m incumb tw
D Ganbat DP m new

4. Bulgan
Y Otgonbayar MPP m incumb tw

5. Gobi-Altai
Ts Dashdorj MPP m new

6. Dorn-Gobi
Sh Batsuur MPP m new

7. Dornod
Kh Bolorchuluun Indep m new
N Nomtoibayar MPP m new tw

8. Dund-Gobi
B Narankhuu DP m incumb tw

9. Zavkhlan
Ya Sanjmyatav DP m new
D Oyunkhorol MPP f incumb

10. Ovorkhangai
S Chinzorig MPP m new
N Tomorkhuu MPP m new

11. Omn-Gobi
D Bat-Erdene DP m new tw

12. Sukhbaatar
M Zorigt DP m new tw

13. Selenge
S Bayartsogt DP m incumb tw
J Erdenebat MPP m new

14. Tov
M Enkhbold MPP m incumb tw
Su Batbold MPP m incumb

15. Uvs
Ch Khurelbaatar MPP m incumb tw
B Choijilsuren MPP m incumb

16. Khovd
S Byambatsogt MPP m incumb tw
D Batsogt MPRP m new

17. Khuvsgul
L Enkh-Amgalan MPP m new
N Davaasuren Indep m new

18. Khentii
B Bat-Erdene MPP m incumb
B Garamgaibaatar DP m new

19. Darkhan-Uul
S Ganbaatar Indep m new tw
D Khayankhyarvaa MPP m incumb tw

20. Orkhon
O Sodbileg MPP m new
L Tsog MPRP m new

21. Khan-Uul
Ts Oyungerel DP f new tw
Lu Bold DP m incumb tw

22. Bayanzurkh
J Batzandan DP m new tw
D Gankhuyag DP m incumb tw
B Batsorig MPP m new [Note: not elected, requires run-off against D Arvin MPP f incumb tw]

23. Sukhbaatar
Lu Gantumur DP m incumb tw
R Amarjargal DP m incum tw

24. Chingeltei
G Uyanga MPRP f new
G Bayarsaikhan DP m incumb

25. Bayangol
S Erdene DP m incumb
S Odontuya DP f  new tw

26. Songinokhairkhan
D Terbishdagva MPRP m incumb
L Erdenechimeg DP f new
L Erkhembayar DP m new tw [Note: not elected, requires run-off against Sumiyabazar MPP m new ]

All that would add up to DP 21, MPP 19, MPRP 4, Independent 3, with two seats unfilled awaiting a run-off election, but one of those involves two MPP candidates, so it is included in the MPP seat total here.

About Julian Dierkes

Julian Dierkes is a sociologist by training (PhD Princeton Univ) and a Mongolist by choice and passion since around 2005. He teaches in the Master of Public Policy and Global Affairs at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. He toots @jdierkes@sciences.social.
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1 Response to June 30 Preliminary Results II from GEC: First-Past-the-Post

  1. Pingback: Seat Distribution Based on Corrected June 30 Preliminary Results | Mongolia Today

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