Category Archives: Economics

Corruption in Mongolia according to Transparency International

Corruption is one of the most prominent features cited in any overview of Mongolian politics, political risk, human development or investment potential. Yet, any hard evidence on the prevalence, extent and mechanisms of corruption are very hard to come by. … Continue reading

Posted in Business, Civil Society, Corruption, Foreign Investment, JD Mining Governance, Mongolia and ... | Tagged | 8 Comments

Foreign Investment Considerations in Canada Resemble Mongolian Law

Talk of a two-track investment review distinguishing state-owned from private investors in Canada mirrors provisions in May 2012 Mongolian foreign investment law. Continue reading

Posted in Business, Canada, Foreign Investment, Mining, Mining, Policy | Tagged | Leave a comment

Book Chapter Mongolia’s Mining Controversies and the Politics of Place

In her chapter on public discourse on mining projects, Augsburg College’s Sarah Combellick-Bidney emphasizes local political dimensions. Continue reading

Posted in Book: Change in Democratic Mongolia, Development, Economics, Mining, Mining, Oyu Tolgoi, Politics, Regulation | Tagged | 1 Comment

Why Mongolia’s China Mining Strategy is NOT a Mistake!

Mendee J replies to recent WSJ blog post regarding Mongolia’s strategy vis-a-vis Chinese investments. Continue reading

Posted in Business, China, Foreign Investment, Mining, Mongolia and ... | Tagged | 4 Comments

Interesting Mining Project out of Vancouver aimed at Domestic Consumption not China

Vancouver-based Prophecy Coal is pursuing a mining project eying domestic Mongolian consumption rather than exports to China. Continue reading

Posted in Air Pollution, Foreign Investment, Mining | Tagged | Leave a comment

Enkhbayar, Corruption, Foreign Reporting and the Rule of Law

Frm president Enkhbayar is going on trial for corruption on May 24. Anti-corruption has emerged as a promising platform for Mongolian politicians to establish themselves and their legacies. Continue reading

Posted in Corruption, Elections, Foreign Investment, Governance, Ikh Khural 2012, Party Politics, Politics, Populism | Tagged | 3 Comments

New Investment Law Passed, Introduces Government Review of Foreign Investment

New investment law in Mongolia requires government review of significant foreign investments. Continue reading

Posted in Foreign Investment, JD Mining Governance, Mining, Policy | Tagged | Leave a comment

Guest Post: Mongolian “Resource Nationalism”

Marissa Smith unpacks the notion of “resource nationalism” in Mongolia Continue reading

Posted in Development, Erdenet, Ikh Khural 2012, Marissa Smith, Mining, Nationalism, Oyu Tolgoi, Policy, Politics, Social Issues | 7 Comments

Economist: “Booming Mongolia – Mine, all Mine”

By Julian Dierkes An article in the January 21 2012 edition of The Economist vividly describes Ulaanbaatar and Oyu Tolgoi in the winter of 2012. The story that some have been telling for some years, “Mongolia is the next Eldorado” … Continue reading

Posted in Democracy, Economics, Media and Press, Mining, Mining, Oyu Tolgoi, Policy, Politics, Research on Mongolia | Tagged | Leave a comment

Mongolia FAQ: Presentations Summaries and Video Record

Listing of presentations at recent “Mongolia FAQ” panel presentation with links to summaries and (forthcoming) video record. Continue reading

Posted in Canada, China, Civil Society, Economics, Elections, Environment, Environment, Environmental Movements, Events, FAQ Mongolia Dec 16 2011, Governance, Inflation, Media and Press, Mining, Mining, Mongolia and ..., Policy, Policy, Politics, Regulation, Research on Mongolia, River Movements, Social Issues | Tagged | Leave a comment

Presentation Summary: The Threat of Inflation

At a December 16, 2011 panel presentation “Mongolia FAQ” BOLOR Naranhuu discusses the threat of inflation in Mongolia’s rapidly developing resource economy. Continue reading

Posted in Economics, FAQ Mongolia Dec 16 2011, Inflation, Policy | 3 Comments

MPs Petition to Renegotiate OT Agreement

Translation of the petition of 20 Mongolian MPs to their government demanding that negotiations to raise the government stake in the giant Oyu Tolgoi project be initiated. Continue reading

Posted in Foreign Investment, International Agreements, JD Mining Governance, Mining, Oyu Tolgoi, Politics, Research on Mongolia | Tagged | 5 Comments