Category Archives: Mongolia and …

Less Visibility for Mongolian Ultra-Nationalists

I remember being shocked during my first trip to Mongolia in 2008 when walking along Peace Avenue, I saw a car belong to the unofficial political group/gang Blue Mongol (Хөх Монгол) sporting a prominent and rather taboo swastika. After asking … Continue reading

Posted in China, Elections, Ikh Khural 2012, Mongolia and ..., Nationalism, Party Politics, Politics | Tagged | 5 Comments

Dr. Maria Barrados: Future Opportunities for Canada-Mongolia Relations

Keynote on the potential for public service reform in Mongolia delivered by Dr. Maria Barrados, frm president, Public Service Commission of Canada. Continue reading

Posted in Bilateral Aid, Canada, Development, Governance, Maria Barrados | Leave a comment

Regulating Foreign Investment Directly?

Will we see resource populism in the upcoming parliamentary election? Yes! How much? That remains to be seen and will likely determine the likelihood of the adoption of nationalist policies in the resource sector. Continue reading

Posted in Canada, Elections, International Relations, JD Mining Governance, Mining, Mining, Oyu Tolgoi, Politics, Populism | Tagged | 2 Comments

Монголын Жиргээчдэд hashtag-ыг санал болгох нь

Сүүлийн хэдэн жилд Монголд жиргээчдийн хүрээ өргөжжээ. Улс төрчид жиргээчдийн эгнээнд нэгдэн, нээлттэй хэлэлцүүлэгт ч оролцох болж. Миний хувьд Твиттерээр Монголын улс төрийн тухай мэдээлэл авахад маш дөхөмтэй байдаг. Харин Монголын жиргээчид hashtag төдийлэн хэрэглэдэггүй бололтой. Энэ нь жиргээчдийн мэтгэлцээн, … Continue reading

Posted in Elections, Ikh Khural 2012, Mongolia and ..., Politics, Social Media | Tagged | Leave a comment

MoU: Ministry of Education and UBC

On March 26, UBC’s Norman B Keevil Institute of Mining Engineering and Institute of Asian Research signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Mongolian Ministry of Education Continue reading

Posted in Canada, Research on Mongolia | Tagged | 1 Comment

Canadian Bilateral Aid for Mongolia?

Would bilateral Canadian development aid instrumentally benefit Canadian mining interests? Continue reading

Posted in Bilateral Aid, Canada, Development, Media and Press, Mining, Mining, Oyu Tolgoi | Tagged | 3 Comments

Mongolia FAQ: Presentations Summaries and Video Record

Listing of presentations at recent “Mongolia FAQ” panel presentation with links to summaries and (forthcoming) video record. Continue reading

Posted in Canada, China, Civil Society, Economics, Elections, Environment, Environment, Environmental Movements, Events, FAQ Mongolia Dec 16 2011, Governance, Inflation, Media and Press, Mining, Mining, Mongolia and ..., Policy, Policy, Politics, Regulation, Research on Mongolia, River Movements, Social Issues | Tagged | Leave a comment

Presentation Summary: How to Improve Governance

At a December 16 2011 panel presentation “FAQ Mongolia” Jim Abbott spoke about governance challenges facing Mongolia. Continue reading

Posted in Canada, Events, FAQ Mongolia Dec 16 2011, Governance, Politics | 2 Comments

Presentation Summary: Mongolian Perspectives on China

At a December 16, 2011 panel presentation “FAQ Mongolia” MENDEE Jargalsaikhan discussed attitudes towards China in Mongolia. Continue reading

Posted in China, Events, FAQ Mongolia Dec 16 2011, International Relations, Politics | 4 Comments

Canada Mongolia Roundtable finally happened

John Baird endorses Mongolian membership in the OSCE following Ottawa meetings of Canada-Mongolia Roundtable. Continue reading

Posted in Canada, International Relations, Mongolia and ... | Tagged | Leave a comment

Dec 16 Event: Mongolia FAQ

FAQ Mongolia – Some Answers to the Most Frequently Asked Questions on (Mining) Policy. December 16, 2011, 16-18h, UBC Robson Square Continue reading

Posted in Canada, Democracy, Events, FAQ Mongolia Dec 16 2011, Mining, Politics, Social Issues | 5 Comments

Jean-Frédéric Légaré-Tremblay on How Mining Activities are Testing Mongolia’s Sovereignty

Canadian journalist Jean-Frédéric Légaré-Tremblay writes about the Mongolian economy. Continue reading

Posted in Canada, Media and Press, Mining, Mining, Social Issues | 1 Comment

Visiting PhD Student at UBC: Sodnom DOLJIN

Visiting scholar from Mongolia (via South Korea) to spend a year at UBC. Continue reading

Posted in International Agreements, Law, Mining, Mining, Mongolia and ... | Leave a comment

Dalai Lama on Surprise Visit to Mongolia

The surprise visit of the Dalai Lama to Mongolia is highly likely to prompt an angry reaction from China, but is highly significant to Mongolian Buddhists. Continue reading

Posted in China, Dalai Lama, Mongolia and ..., Religion, Research on Mongolia | 1 Comment

Korea, the United States, and Strategic Relations: Mongolia

A discussion of Mongolian-Korean relations held at the Korea Society in early October 2011. Continue reading

Posted in International Relations, Mongolia and ..., Politics, South Korea | Tagged | Leave a comment