Telephones: Then and Now

Hi Everyone,

Over the last 60 years the telephone has come to be one of the most important technologies that exists today. From telephone booths to the first car phone, the telephone industry has been reshaped numerous times. In the 21st Century, we rely on telephones as much more than devices for voice calls. Telephones function as portable computers, GPS and mapping devices, and most importantly social networking arenas for millions of people everyday. 

The telephone has had an significant impact on culture, society, language, and education as it has become more popular. We anticipate that the telephone will continue to play a major role in the lives of people-young and old in the coming centuries. 

Please visit this link for our presentation. We hope you enjoy the journey through time!

Amanda, Danielle, Eileen, and Monique


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Flickr and Dumpr and Smilebox

Click to play this Smilebox facebook cover

Photo attribution: photon_de (from Flickr)

  • What motivated you to explore the appliction(s) you used?

I tried to create a few different things online, but had some serious issues opening Kerploof and some of the other sites. I’ve tried off of a few devices and different wireless connections, so I’m wondering if it’s a community-based issue (as we often have some limitations on speed/bandwith), and whether that would affect these sites? I settled on using Dumpr as I really like visual representations of learning and enjoy getting my students to use existing content to demonstrate their learning in a variety of areas. I like how it requires students to think outside the box and use a diversity of skills. Unfortunately, my second attempt at this site failed and there were issues with the security certificate, again on multiple sites, so I settled on using Smilebox. I decided on this site because I could see its immediate applications for both social media sites and education

  • What have you attempted to achieve in your project?

I’m a big fan of “Top Tens” in general, and I like how they help kids negotiate big topics, (i.e. the top ten things you should know about Ancient Greece, or the top ten study tips). Top tens are a great way to demonstrate your understanding of the “bigger issues” on a topic. This particular top ten is about Thanksgiving, and helps to demonstrate how you could easily use this site in your classroom to encourage students to create attractive coverpages, or lists to demonstrate their knowledge.

  • What are the particular affordances (for knowledge mobilization, learning, etc) of the form of production you’ve selected in relation to previous forms of production we’ve considered in this course?

This type of reworking requires a variety of internet and representational skills so asking students to complete this exercise would necessarily demonstrate their abilities in technology. Additionally, this would allow some students the opportunity to share their knowledge in a completely different format, while still allowing for oral or text-based explanations of the work. Another affordance would be that this kind of site would necessitate the discussion around licensing on the internet, as you are altering images for use in your own work. This would provide an example for beginning to teach students about how to ethically use images online, and also about how they choose to share their own work. I see that the work produced on this site also mirrors ancient works where print and images were used together to establish meaning.

  • What are the potential drawbacks?

Any program which has prescribed designs that you use I find to be limiting. Trying to fit into a predetermined design can both be useful and detrimental. Also, this particular technology is really only useful within a small type of educational situations.


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fancy letters

letter F Vintage Sticker Letter A letter N LINGO Letter C y18 letter L Vintage Sticker Letter e letter T letter T letter E letter R Vintage Sticker Letter S

After looking through the websites and experimenting with the different tools, I was drawn to the “Spell with Flickr” tool the most. It’s so easy to use and I found it fun when I saw the letters change instantly. I basically chose letters that I liked and the ones that I thought fit well together. This “Spell with Flickr” tool connects with the course because this course is all about writing and how writing tools influence how we respond to text. Having a header like this stands out and can draw readers to continue reading. However, a potential drawback of this tool could be that it may be difficult for some readers to see what the letters are, especially ELL, who may not be able to recognize the letters shaped as different objects. I felt like I had to change the letters a few times because the word was hard to see at first glance. Overall, I feel this tool would be great to use as headers.

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Why You Shouldn’t Go to Graduate School

What motivated you to explore the appliction(s) you used?

This was a tongue in cheek experiment with one particular web-based tool called “”, which is intended to help “create and share visual ideas online”.  This reminded me of some of our discussion about Edward Tufte and the visual presentation of information. I am really love (well-designed) infographs and the simplicity and aesthetic of information presented this way. This tool looked easy to use and like it could produce a fairly polished product, without requiring a high level of technical skill or money (buying and learning Adobe Indesign or some other more complicated software).

I took a cartoon image by Ennokni called “A Day in The Life” and edited the text on the image to “school” and “work”, to rework this into a day in the life of graduate student. However, as I working on it, I thought “What else would I say about the life of a grad student?”  The animation, while funny, didn’t capture it all, so I supplemented it with text to elaborate on the image and ‘gist’ of it.

 What are the particular affordances (for knowledge mobilization, learning, etc) of the form of production you’ve selected in relation to previous forms of production we’ve considered in this course?

This could be a useful tool for creating infographs or posters, where it is useful to simplify complex information and make stats more interesting and engaging (than excel sheets or tables).

Other benefits include that:

  • It is easy to share the final product, and the audience does not require an account to view it.
  • There are templates available which could provide ideas and inspiration.
  • Sharing options are apparent and it is possible to share a link or attain an embed code.
  • You have public and private sharing options.
  • You can also download copies of the poster.
  • There is a community (apparent from the number of public visuals displayed and there are “like” buttons), but at this point it isn’t possible to see the public posters.

What are the potential drawbacks?

This tool is still in beta mode, I believe, so if it endures, it will likely evolve. At this point, there are a few drawbacks.

  • The number of themes is limited and may actually confine people to certain layouts which may not make sense.
  • The interface is pretty easy to use, but it is easy to accidentally delete a project. The size of the canvas is limited.
  • It doesn’t automatically save your work so you must save it continually or risk losing it if you lose connection.
  • Information may be too simplified or truncated

Click on the image below to the view the larger size poster.


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Rip. Mix. Feed

I tried making a children’s story on Kerpoof:

I was motivated to attempt this because my husband is currently illustrating a children’s story and I have never been a very good artist so I thought this site would allow me to step into his world. I also teach ESL students for one of my classes and am always looking for new ways for them to express themselves both in writing and visually.
I attempted to achieve a simple story with a good moral. It is not terribly complex, but I enjoyed experimenting with the different backgrounds and characters.
This site allows one to use their literacy of the written word and combine it with visual learning. It could be very engaging for students of all ages to experiment with varied levels of poetry, prose, fiction and non-fiction. It is an inspired concept that allows those of us without certain gifts to express ourselves. It could engage learners who are more visually-oriented and allow them the confidence to achieve what others can with a short story or essay. It’s exciting because it has the potential to open the doors to a whole different learning style of student.
The drawbacks are the limited creativity. There are only a certain number of character, background, prop and writing style choices which could be great for younger students but may prevent older students from becoming truly engaged.

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Summative rip.mix.feed in After Effects

I have posted my “story” on YouTube:  YouTube Preview Image

I was motivated to use After Effects and Premiere by Adobe as they are  applications where I can achieve a semi-professional result and polish.  I used After Effects for the special effects and text effects.  I will be using these tools more in the classroom so I wanted to build confidence with them.  Adobe Creative Suite CC has a one month free trial, so they are free to use under a limited term.  I used Flickr to source the photographs, used an open source website for the music and edited the entire piece in Permiere.

I wanted to give some summative thoughts on the course to date.  I find myself looking forward as opposed to looking backwards.  We can’t uninvent electronic text, so we have to learn how to live with it.  I wanted to explore how text and image can work together and not be in conflict with each other.

I want to learn how to use these tools more effectively.  Using the affordances of digital effects opens up the world to anything you can dream up in your imagination.  The affordance is the key draw back of the project.  Because you can do “anything” it is hard to limit oneself to one thing.

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Rip.Mix.Feed. – YouTube

Rip.Mix.Feed – YouTube – Collaboration – iMovie

  • What motivated you to explore the application(s) you used?

I used YouTube and iMovie.  Why?  YouTube is my “go to” source for when I need to hear and see someone discussing/explaining a topic.

  • What have you attempted to achieve in your project?

I’ve become increasingly interested in the topic of collaboration.  Collaboration is a diverse subject and I wanted to pull together three important and influential figures talking about and defining their view of collaboration.  I intentionally used personalities NOT associated with education.  I believe that as educators we sometimes forget or dismiss important views from outside the education field.  Lately, impactful changes in my pedagogy have stemmed from non educators in the areas of design, flow, leadership, relationships, assessment etc . . . .

  • What are the particular affordances (for knowledge mobilization, learning, etc) of the form of production you’ve selected in relation to previous forms of production we’ve considered in this course?

Throughout this course a key theme that keeps reoccurring in my mind is the concept of writing (text) and editing.  When we write we constantly edit and refine our message (unlike orality).  The process of collecting YouTube videos and pulling sections from a wide variety videos into a common “film theme” or topic is a useful skill and a way for us to organize our external memory storage systems.  I used iMovie to do this because I believe that is it the best inexpensive movie editing tool on the market . . . (I have a heavy bias towards anything Apple . . . . sorry)

  • What are the potential drawbacks?

I did not look at any Web 2.0 tools on the market.  I know this is probably not the best way to approach this activity, but I went with an application that I knew would work well and is not dependant to a wifi connection etc.

YouTube Preview Image



Fuqua School Of Business (2013, May 30). Apple CEO Tim Cook on collaboration.Retrieved October 7, 2013, from

TEDx Talks (2011, April 6). TEDxMasstricht – Simon Sinek – “First why then trust”.Retrieved September 21, 2013, from

 Riverhead Books (2010, September 17). Where good ideas come from by Steven Johnson.Retrieved June 15, 2013, from


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Rip Mix Feed Animoto Storytelling

Adventures with Buffy

(I tried embedding, but WordPress keeps changing it to this link to the video instead.)

I examined both Dumpr and 50 Web 2.0 Ways to Tell a Story, and then decided upon trying Animoto. The website author advocates planning your story and then choosing a tool that’s most appropriate for your situation. I had pictures of my dog and an overall message in mind. I created a 30 second (free) story with Animoto, a video storytelling application that creates a polished looking video with little effort. The user chooses the theme, images, and text slide content. Images can be uploaded or accessed through social media. I chose this application because I had seen others make such videos and was impressed with the quality. The application provided me with free to use background music, so that was appealing as well.

My product is meant to convey the sentiment that my dog is exuberant about life in treating every moment like an adventure. I hoped to implicitly suggest that we could learn from her enthusiasm.

In addition to the basic features mentioned above, the application has some fine tuning affordances as well. For instance, you can set a ‘featured’ image or text slide. You are able to add text slides between the images. While preparing the video, you can quickly preview it in low resolution. Once the video is rendered, it can be embedded or shared in multiple ways.

There are a few drawbacks. You must pay a subscription to make videos that are longer than 30 seconds. You cannot put text on the images directly. It’s not possible to specifically coordinate the music with the images. It is, however, very easy to use which will outweigh the drawbacks for most.

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I decided to use Dumpr to rework a picture I recently took of the artwork one of my students created for Remembrance Day. In art this term we focused on multimedia. This project, although time-consuming, turned out beautifully. Students first painted, then used plastic wrap to create texture, added paper and finally a button for the center of the poppy. Another learning outcome we are emphasizing in our school is respect for art. We want students to consider themselves artists. We create mini-gallery walks to admire the work of others after each art lesson. Students have opportunities to provide positive feedback and talk about the art of their peers. Playing around with Dumpr, I thought the Museumr option fit nicely with what we have been doing in the classroom. I may even do this with my class next week to add another medium and so that my students really begin to see themselves as artists. I had a lot of fun with this activity, it was really easy and felt as though I was doing something I previously would have not considered myself capable of doing. The media available today allows for rip.mix.feed. activities to happen quickly and easily. Fun stuff!

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I came across an art lesson that mentioned so I thought I would try it with my class and essentially kill two birds with one stone.  First, I took pictures of all of my students.  Second, I uploaded them individually into the “photo to sketch” section of Dumpr.  I printed each one and enlarged them on our photocopier.  Next, the students placed a blank piece of paper over their photocopy and with a sharpie, outlined their face, shoulders and features.  Lastly, they used water colour paints to paint sections of their portrait.  The lesson is from  Below is an example of the 3 steps.  I asked for student and parent permission before using their photograph and artwork.  For some reason when I used the “Photo to Sketch” application now there was an error so I used “Sketch Artist” to give you an idea what the photo turns into.  I loved how they all turned out and the students really enjoyed making their own “Pop Art Portrait”






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