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Tag Archives: culture
Dissecting Manga—Between the Images, Texts, Stories and Popular Culture
The visualized work for this research is on The rise of manga is not only a Japanese phenomenon, but an international happening. Manga is seen more as a sub-culture than a literal work. While texts are dominant in other … Continue reading
Posted in Research Paper, Uncategorized
Tagged Comics, culture, Image, literacy, medium, text, writing
1 Comment
Christian Influences on the Transition from Scroll to Codex
Bolter (2001) argues “the most important visual structure in the medieval codex was the marginal note”. I chose to present my research paper using Google Documents, in order to allow viewers the affordance of annotating the text. Feel at liberty … Continue reading
Posted in Research Paper
Tagged Christianity, codex, culture, reading, Scroll, writing
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Commentary on the Psychodynamics of Orality Chap. 3
In the introduction to Walter Ong’s text on “Orality and Literacy” (1982) he indicates to the reader that hindsight is twenty-twenty when deconstructing history. The author explores the idea that we, as a culture, had no understanding of how orality … Continue reading
Tagged Commentary, Commentary 1, culture, literacy, Ong, orality, Orality and Literacy
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Of Thamus and Theuth – Reflecting on the Self
I believe that writing has facilitated the “reflective self” and that this is both beneficial and detrimental for humanity. Writing allows humans the ability to capture ideas in a time capsule. In other words, literacy allows us to turn back … Continue reading
Tagged Commentary, consumerist, culture, deductive, literate, self, societies, Socrates, Thamus
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Text, technology, and representations/expressions…
As a photographer this was not a fun assignment because it required me to disengage my creative mind and settle for whatever I could find that was “good enough”. I had another image in mind, but copyright restrictions prevented me … Continue reading
Posted in Introductions
Tagged culture, introduction, knowledge, modalities, reading, school, speaking, technology, text, wisdom, writing
1 Comment
Mark Antony in 2013: Power of Oration and Persuasive Rhetoric
Accepting that Western society is predominantly literate it is difficult for us to recognize the oral roots upon which our culture is founded. In fact it would be near impossible to consider how an artifact from a previous culture impacts … Continue reading →